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New SQL Explorer for 12 May 7, 2012

FileMaker 12 introduced the ExecuteSQL function, and it s a game changer. We ve released a free tool to help you write your own queries, brush up on SQL, and see what this is all about. Learn more.

New Free Calendar for 12 Apr 4, 2012

We ve rewritten our free calendar add on to take advantage of FileMaker 12. This is a great file to jump into and play around and it may be all the calendar some people need. Check it out.

Best Practices for FileMaker Go Feb 29, 2012

A collection of our recent posts on FileMaker Go Best Practices. Enjoy.

Worx: What s Next for GoZync Oct 17, 2011

Here is a preview of our next example file for GoZync, Worx, a slick work orders system for FileMaker and FileMaker Go. Zyncs to your hosted file or to ours.

The next PauseOnError will be at the Park Plaza Sherlock Holmes, London. Oct 20 - 21.

John Sindelar speaking at DevCon Aug 4, 2011

John presented two sessions at DevCon including Year in Review which featured combinations of the virtual list technique with FileMaker s built in SQL. A couple example files are at the end of the page here: downloads.

GoZync was featured by Andy LeCates in the FileMaker DevCon keynote, showing STAT-Bio s mobile work orders solution.

Sync for FileMaker Go April 12, 2011

Work offline in FileMaker Go and the push your data to the server using our new GoZync Framework: coming soon.

Some tips for getting your field entry behaviors looking great in FileMaker Go.

Google Contact Sync Mar 29, 2011

We re getting closer to releasing Google Contact Sync for FileMaker; check out this quick preview.

Matt Navarre interviews John Sindelar about Zulu s new Google Calendar Sync Listen.

Sync to Google Calendar Dec 1, 2010

The new build of Zulu syncs your FielMaker events with Google Calendar so you can ublish calendars on your website and share them more easily. Learn more.

FMGO Tips: Open Records from iCal Oct 10, 2010

Zulu, our iCal plugin for FileMaker can teach iCal how to open a related FielMaker Go record on your iPhone. Instructions and a video show you how it s done.

Awards: FileMaker Solution of the Year Aug 18, 2010

Our baby, SeedCode Calendar, won the 2010 FileMaker Excellence Award for Solution of the Year at FileMaker DevCon.

FileMaker iCal: Case Study June 24, 2010

The DA s office in Mobile, AL is up and running with a beta of Zulu, our new server-side plugin for FileMaker. Lisa, who runs the program, is serving over 36 read-write calendars to iCal and iPhone. She has written up some of her experiences, including the accolades she s getting from her team.

Instant Web Publishing: iPad and iPhone May 7, 2010

We ve refreshed our Instant Web Publishing Module for FileMaker 11, adding new layouts optimized for the iPad.

Pause On Error: Videos Mar 31, 2010

The first videos from Pause On Error Portland are coming online: Videos.

FileMaker launches the newest version of FileMaker Pro, inclding new script triggers, charting, a developer level inspector, and improvements to FileMaker Server. More here.

Our latest calendar extension is now shipping. Watch a short introduction and download a demo here.

John Sindelar interviews Dan Weiss about using Calendar Complete as the basis for a new solution for one of his customers. We talk about billing, managing scope creep, and the cool FMBooksConnector from Productive Computing. Check out the Jan 1 Podcast at

Can t keep it to ourselves any longer and needed a place to talk about what s coming next. Join the conversation.

Video interviews with John Sindelar at DevCon conducted by Jason Mundok for Philly FileMaker. John s interview is here, other great interviews at search for DevCon.

FileMaker asked us to record a teaser webinar previewing our Year in Review session for DeCon. Check out some of the cool drag-and-drop demos we re showing.

BaseElements uses SearchResults. July 8, 2009

The new search utility from MSN s Matt Navarre is now avaialble. fmSearchResults lets you paste multi-table, global search into your files. And we re thrilled that new upcoming version of BaseElements is already using it to power their search.

Sneak Peek: fmSearchResults April 28, 2009

Our latest newsletter offers a sneak peek of the future of FileMaker search. Checkout how easy it is going to be to add a multi-table, global search to your FileMaker solutions. Watch the 2min introduction or download the beta.

January Newsletter Jan 20, 2009

Our latest newsletter contains links to some FileMaker 10 resources and a cool tip for getting FileMaker to recognize double clicks.

FileMaker 10 Ships Jan 5, 2009

Congratulations to everyone at FMI on the release of FileMaker Pro 10.

We ve put together a short movie demonstrating our Gantt Chart in more detail. The gantt chart is included in SeedCode Complete.

Our November newsletter launched our new hierarhy template and included some nice tips on getting images into FileMaker container fields.

September s Newsletter Sept 16

Our latest newsletter includes a preview of our new hierarhy template and some excellent charting to get your creativity flowing. Subscribe here.

We just got back from Tokyo where we were invited to make a couple of presentations as well as to demo the Japanese version of our calendar. Here is quick 2 minute overview including a demo of our Instant Web Publishing module on an iPhone in Japanese.

There is a great review of fmSpark at FileMaker Magazine, including an in-depth, real time demo of fmSpark functionality. Check it out here: fmSpark video review.

This short movie demonstrates one of the files we ll be talking about in our Year in Review session at DevCon. While this session is showcasing other peoples work, NOT our own, we put this demo together so folks could get their hands on a file that used some of the techniques we ll be talking about.

The Proof Group and SeedCode are excited to announce the immediate availability of fmSpark, a new, bolt on communications module for FileMaker. fmSpark lets users create letters, rich emails and labels without going into layout mode or leaving FileMaker. Very cool.

SeedCode presented a webinar for FileMaker Inc. on advanced uses of variables and conditional formatting. The demo file offered at the conclusion of our presentation can be found under Presentations Webinars on our downloads page.

SeedCode s John Sindelar is speaking at FMPug meetings in Portland, Seattle, and FileMaker HQ in Stanta Clara on Designing with Modification in Mind.

Proof has launched a beta of their hot new mail-merge utility for FileMaker Pro, fmSpark. And, of course, it is unlocked so you can integrate it with your own work.

Watch SeedCode Complete in action: a new 3 min movie walks you through most of the interface.

A new tip lets you work faster by keeping the schedule open in a separate window.

Our new Pro Calendar is designed expressly for developers who are linking this to their own files. Offering all the resource scheduling features of SeedCode Complete, but with a simple placeholder table that stands in for the contacts in your file.

We ve just released the latest version of our free filemaker calendar: faster, simpler, and easier to bolt on to your own work. This version takes advantage of some of the new things in FM9 but only requires FileMaker 8.5

A cool thread about when to start over on a new version of your solution. Feel free to contribute.

Our Instant Web Publishing Module for SeedCode Complete is now available; check out our Live Demo.

SeedCode releases Calendar Complete at DevCon 2007. Thanks to everyone who came by the booth to show us the cool things they ve done with the calendar.

FileMaker releases FM9 and FM9 Server. All current SeedCode templates run great in this new version.

New Version of SeedCode s free BackMagic utility released.

Time Scale RevisitedJan 8 2007

New variable time scale modification lets you zoom the calendar down to 5 minute increments or out to 1 hour blocks.

Tips and screenshots on how to schedule resource availability in our newest calendar.

Another cool calendar modification compressing the time scale to show a whole day at once.

A new Gantt chart modification zooms the chart scale from days to hours and minutes.

New Live Demos: access our calendar from 3rd party aps and from the web.

Photos from FileMaker DevCon, Orlando

Q: What was that slick demo tool you used at DevCon. A: Mousepos eacute.

Contacts Projects Aug 12   We ve just announced

template. An unlocked, single file solution integrating Contacts with Calendaring, Projects, Gantt Charts.

Faster, Simpler, Freer. Our Free

Calendar for FileMaker 8 kicks off the next generation of unlocked

SeedCode, formerly the templates division of Cleveland

Consulting, Inc., has spun off on its own. Cleveland

Consulting, Inc. continues to focus on custom software projects

and FileMaker development services. Press

Downloads Support Blog A locked but functional 10-day demo of SeedCode Complete, the head-start for new FileMaker databases with Contacts, Projects.

Unlocked FileMaker Templates
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Alienware M11x Base System Device Driver

31 rows  This page contains the driver installation download for Base System.

Home Download Why Support Blog How it works Contact us

You are viewing the drivers of an anonymous computer which may be not the same with your current computer. These driver s may not work with your computer. Please click on the link below to download, scan and get the correct drivers.

Below is a list of drivers that may be suitable for your device. With the different devices, they can have the same driver, it s because they all use the same chip manufacturer.

If you are looking for an update, pickup the latest one. If your driver isn t working, use the driver having the same OEM with the your laptop/desktop brand name.

Watch this video to see how it works - click here

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Welcome to

Do you know that DriverIdentifier can help you finding driver in just a few minutes.

Why do i see many drivers. Below is a list of drivers that may be suitable for your device. With the different devices, they can have the same driver, it s because.

Product Support Alienware M11x. View a different A driver is a piece of software that enables your computer s operating system to communicate with.

Welcome to the Alienware driver please email drivers This drivers and downloads site is intended for customers who purchased an Alienware system.

Alienware M11x R2 system, then find your device name and click the download button. If you could not find the exact driver for your hardware device or.

Hey everyone, I m new to this site but I m hoping I ll be a long term member. I have an issue with my computer and I cannot figure it out what so ever.

Basically, I did a system recover and it all went smooth until I actually booted up my computer. Now that I am here I cannot connect or find any wireless internet connects. I even tried a wired and it still wouldn t connect. I know I may have to update some drivers but is there anyway to do that without having the internet. If anyone could help me with this I d greatly appreciate it.

What s the brand name, model name, and model number of that computer that you did a system recovery.

Does it have Windows 7 32-bit or Windows 7 64-bit.


Go to Control Panel - Device Manager.

What are the names of the entries that have a yellow. next to them.

What s listed in the Network Adapters heading.


It s an Alienware M11x R2. It s a Windows 7 64-bit.

The ones that have a yellow next to them are

- Standard VGA Graphics Adapter

And listed in the Network Adapters is

Atheros AR8132 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller NDIS 6.20

Dell nows owns and provides support for Alienware computers, so I need the 7-character service tag/express service code number on the sticker.

Be real careful not to make a typo because the support site for YOUR Alienware needs to be accessed.


Double-click each of those. entries - which will bring up its properties window.

Click the Details tab, then select Hardware Ids.

There will be one or more strings that has VEN_ DEV_ as part of the string.

Advise what the numbers and letters are that follow VEN_ and DEV_

Be real careful not to make any typos because those codes are what identify those devices.

Oh, Sorry I should have put that in the earlier post. It is

Standard VGA Graphics Adapter -



- PCI/VEN_10DE DEV_0CAF CC_030000


- PCI/VEN_197B DEV_2382 SUBSYS_04651028 REV_30

- PCI/VEN_197B DEV_2382 SUBSYS_04651028

- PCI/VEN_197B DEV_2382 CC_088000

- PCI/VEN_197B DEV_2382 CC_0880

- PCI/VEN_14E4 DEV_4353 SUBSYS_000E1028 REV_01

- PCI/VEN_14E4 DEV_4353 SUBSYS_000E1028

- PCI/VEN_14E4 DEV_4353 CC_028000

- PCI/VEN_14E4 DEV_4353 CC_0280

Quick question on your most recent post with the links..

I guess I should have stated this also in my first post, but how am I suppose to download any of the drivers without internet connection. I am on a separate desktop as of now. But would there be any way to say, install the one that is needed for the internet first as in using a flash drive so then I can download the rest directly on my Alienware. Or will I have to download all of them using a flash drive.

You need to download and save the needed drivers in a computer with a working internet connection.

You can then burn them off to a CD-R or copy them to a USB thumb drive so you can use that external media to install the drivers in the Alienware.


Let me research the codes that you submitted, then I ll get back to you.

If you want to download and save all those drivers while I m doing that, that s fine and will save you some time.

Alright, I downloaded all of them to an external source.

Just let me know if I don t need one, or need one that isn t there. And sorry to ask, but if one isn t there could you post the link to it. I always seem to screw up drivers :/

According to service tag/express service code number 7KRP1M1 and the vendor/device codes that you submitted, your Alienware M11x R2 laptop was shipped in August 2010 and has these devices:

Realtek ALC665 High Definition Audio

Dell Wireless 5620 EVDO-HSPA Mobile Broadband Mini-Card

Dell Wireless 1520 802.11n Mini-Card

NVIDIA GeForce GT335M Graphics

I ve already given you the links to all of the drivers, except for the card reader, so it s included here.

Once you re done, go to Windows Updates and do a scan.

These drivers are about 2 years old, so there may be updated drivers available to download and install.


Alright, thank you very much. I will try to download them all and I will let you know soon how it went.

There are 2 wireless mini-cards listed, so I m not positive which one your laptop has.

I ll be going off-line for the day shortly, so I ll check back here tomorrow.


All is well now. Again thank you very much. I wish I realized how easy it truly was

Click the Mark Solved button at the upper left of this webpage.


This page contains the list of device drivers for Alienware M11x. To download the proper driver, first choose your operating system, Alienware M11x R2; Alienware.

Driver and Resource Downloads. Please select the driver that you are looking for and click the file name to download it to your system. ALIENWARE M11X 11.6.

Solved: Software Recovery Issue Base System Device driver free download for windows - Alienware - M11x (Phantom/A05- SKU:Null)

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Sep 24, 2011  Logitech Technical Support confirms that for Windows 2.03 and later, all Logitech pointing devices should use the Logitech mouse driver that is included in.

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On the bottom or rear of the product

On a label inside the battery compartment or underneath the batteries

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On a label attached to the USB end of the cable.

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Xp Pro Activation Phone

Bypass Windows XP product activation

Provides steps on how to find a Microsoft Product Activation Center phone number.

Jan 21, 2005  Activate Windows by phone. In Windows Product Activation, select Yes, I want to telephone a customer service representative to activate Windows.

Feb 09, 2015  Download SetupВ KeyGen Generator pro 2015; We tried it with Photoshop Elements 8, but we also Window Xp Phone Activation Keygen the.

Open Windows activation and activate Windows on the computer you are using.

Microsoft Windows XP can be activated from the command line. Expert John Savill gives you specific instructions to activate XP manually.

Windows XP Professional Product Documentation What s new in Windows XP. What is Windows Product Activation. but do have a modem connected to a phone.

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I must state from the beginning that this article is not about cracking Windows activation engine because we don t want to break our Windows EULA, do we.. This article tries to show you ways to bypass Windows XP product activation for those emergency situations. I will explain in details below.

Let s suppose that you have a licensed copy of an Windows XP but lately you have installed-activated/uninstalled it for several times. At some point the Microsoft Activation Server just get bored and says OK, if you want me to activate your license then please pick up the phone and call me..

What if you get bored or you are just lazy to call Microsoft and to justify yourself and to ask them Please, can you activate the copy that I bought legally. Yes, I have an invoice, in fact I have 10 invoices because it happens that I bought more copies than I m using right now. No, I m not a software theft, I cross my heart and hope to die.

Well, in that situation let me make myself clear: when you both have the legal right to use that piece of software and you don t break the EULA you could just try to exploit one of the Windows XP weaknesses. In fact you could try to exploit more than one, I m sure about that someone might think that I did it in the past; maybe they re right.

You could find yourself in one of the following situations:the 30 days has expired so you cannot access the Desktop anymoreyou are within those 30 days time limit but you want to get rid of this issue ASAPYour 30 days has expired

So you ve got a message like the one below:

You could also get a message like the one below, I meet that situation several times in the past, unfortunately I haven t tested to see if the trick works also for this particular situation, I guess/hope it does:

Anyway, so you either have exceeded those 30 days after the period when you have been supposed to activate your copy of Windows or, lately, you have changed the hardware such that the Windows has started to annoy you with the Windows Product Activation dialogue.

No matter in which situation you are just press the Yes button, like you are willing to activate your copy of Windows. A new window like the one below will be shown:

Let s activate Windows - click WinKey u

By pressing simultaneous Windows key and u WinKey u you will open a window called Microsoft narrator where you can click on some hyperlink called Microsoft web site which in turn will open your default web browser hopefully IE otherwise it works but with one more step; we get to this soon.

Note: if by pressing WinKey u it opens another window named Narrator then, in order to get the Microsoft narrator window, you have to right-click that window s title-bar and to choose About narrator pop-up menu.

So the Microsoft narrator window should look like this:

Microsoft Narrator - click the Microsoft Web site link

At this point the idea is to get the IE browser opened because the browser has an issue that we are going to exploit it. In case that your default browser is Firefox/Chrome/Opera/etc we should do some extra steps in order to open your IE browser because finally the IE is the one we are going to hack. If your browser is just IE then skip the steps below and go to the IE browser opened. Non-IE browser openedenter C: in your browser URL address bar; your browser should show the content of C: directorynavigate to the C:WindowsSystem32 directory then click taskmgr.exe to download it; after it have downloaded just run that application taskmgr.exe on Task Manager choose File- Run then enter iexplore.exe and hit OK; that will open your IE browser; finally you can use it see below IE browser opened

In the URL address bar enter C: then hit OK. If you are not using IE8 then that command should exploit a weakness of IE7 or earlier which in turn will crash the Windows in that way that it will load the Desktop, the task bar, everything.

Note: for some reasons Windows keeps locking itself every 30-60 seconds so you won t be able to see the Desktop nor the task bar. If that is happening just repeat the step mentioned at the paragraph above enter C: in IE browser URL bar. Hacking is not always an easy job, isn t it.

So, you have gained a time frame for 30-60 seconds of fully functional Windows system, period when, hopefully, you will be able to launch whatever program you want even if 30-60 seconds later the Windows will lock it again your application is already up an running so you are happy; Windows has closed its Desktop, he think it s clever, it s happy too; everybody is happy now, right..

Notes:I ve seen that if you keep that Windows Product Activation window opened, then the Windows Desktop doesn t lock automatically after those 30-60s. So for example I have had the IE opened and it has remained opened for an undefined period of time, but when I closed chose OK button the Window Product Activation window then the Windows automatically logged me off so I had to begin the whole process from the beginning. I think it s good to know this tips upfront.If you start your Windows in Safe mode then the Windows Product Activation does not appear any more regarding the safe-mode. Some interesting info here before check this website alert.

This trick just helps you to use your Windows copy in these emergency situations; I would not recommend anyone working like this on the daily basis because it could just prove to be a nightmare.You are within those 30 days time limit

In this situation you are reminded frequently enough that you have only 30 or less days left for activation. The trick to bypass Windows XP product activation is the simplest and the most effective one.

Windows activation reminder - 30 days leftopen Registry Editor Start- Run then enter regedit and push OK button open the registry key at the location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWPAEventsedit the OOBETimer key value and set its value to ff d5 71 d6 8b 6a 8d 6f d5 33 93 fd right-click on the same key WPAEvents and select Permissions select SYSTEM group/user and check all DENY options we won t allow XP to mess with us anymore, in fact we deny it firmly :o click Advanced button then uncheck Inherit from parent the permission, press OK, when prompted at next step just answer with Copy in Permission entries select the SYSTEM then choose Edit ; check all the Deny permissions the OK Apply

It should not ask you anymore for software activation. In fact you could run Start- All Programs - Activate Windows and you should get an response message like Windows is already activated. If not working then just try again, maybe you have missed something on the way.

If you are interested on Windows Vista/7 license activation you could read also an article I wrote about this.

I would not recommend to anyone to try this procedure in order to gain the access to use an unlicensed copy of Windows. In fact, when dealing with licensed software like Windows, I would strongly recommend you to contact your software provider to ask it if you are allowed to do something like that or not. I wrote this article only for myself for research/educational purposes so that in case of emergency to be able to rescue my licensed system. When I have refereed the pronoun you or we I meant I.

Now, if you think that this article was interesting don t forget to rate it. It shows me that you care and thus I will continue write about these things.

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Diagnostic Report 1.9.0027.0 :


Validation Status: Not Activated

Windows Product Key: - -G3WYH-G7PV3-PWPYJ

Windows Product Key Hash: NsxVIwmueuqA19ZNM8BjoopU0tE

Windows Product ID: 76487-OEM-2211906-00291

Windows OS version:

ID: D889E704-AC60-43C2-9B13-1E3639C8D26A 1

LegitcheckControl ActiveX: N/A, hr 0x80070002

Validation Diagnostic: 025D1FF3-230-1_025D1FF3-238-2_025D1FF3-258-3

Windows XP Notifications Data--

Cached Result: N/A, hr 0x80070002

WgaTray.exe Signed By: N/A, hr 0x80070002

WgaLogon.dll Signed By: N/A, hr 0x80070002

OGAExec.exe Signed By: N/A, hr 0x80070002

OGAAddin.dll Signed By: N/A, hr 0x80070002

Office Diagnostics: B4D0AA8B-543-80070002_025D1FF3-230-1_025D1FF3-238-2_025D1FF3-258-3

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32

Default Browser: C: Program Files Internet Explorer iexplore.exe

Download signed ActiveX controls: Prompt

Download unsigned ActiveX controls: Disabled

Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Allowed

Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: Disabled

Allow scripting of Internet Explorer Webbrowser control: Disabled

Script ActiveX controls marked as safe for scripting: Allowed

Office Details: D889E704-AC60-43C2-9B13-1E3639C8D26A 1.9.0027.05.1.2600.2.00010100.2.0.prox32 - - - -PWPYJ76487-OEM-2211906-002912S-1-5-21-839522115-823518204-2147074499ASUSTeK

Computer Inc.T12EgAmerican Megatrends Inc.201T220070926000000.000000 000ERGOUK,ERGOUK,ERGOUK,ERGOUKCA0130070184207B08090409GMT Standard Time GMT 02Ergo

Computing UK LtdCustomer Installed Ergo PC109

Windows Activation Technologies--

Marker string from BIOS: 1E860:ASUSTeK Computer Inc 1C6BD:Ergo Computing UK Ltd 13DD6:GENUINE C C INC


Windows xp professional is what i have loaded onto machine, the sticker is for windows vista but the laptops were brought downgraded to windows xp and i have the education volume license for windows xp professional

Have now re installed laptops using a ghost image from another pc. Thanks for all your help. Only prob i have now is with windows media player it installed but when i try to play dvd s get error message can t play no decoders installed, is there somewhere

I tried the K lite codec program on filehippo when i ran install said i needed to install DirectX and directed me to download from Microsoft that which i did, then tried again to install K lite said i needed Directx so I re started but it keeps doing it. So

Be the first person to mark this helpful.

Apr 20, 2005  Large PC Manufacturers known as Original Equipment Manufacturers OEMs have the ability to pre-activate Microsoft Windows XP software installed on.

Activation is an integer part of the Windows XP operating system. Essentially, XP activation is designed to help reduce software piracy. According to Microsoft.

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Fathers Day is coming up, isn t it. Dad probably enjoys golf more than he enjoys trimming the lawn. Now he can do both at once.

The Big Daddy Driver is a combination golf club and weed whacker. And it really cuts grass. Yeah, sure, it would be fun to use around the yard, but much more fun on the golf course. Imagine the faces on the rest of your foursome when you pull this out next time you land in the rough. Requires 6AA batteries included. Get yours for 49.95, which is about what you d pay for an electric trimmer without a golf club.

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This article shortly describes simple steps on how to crack a wireless WEP key using AIR Crack software. This can be done by sniffing a wireless network, capturing.

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Note: This post demonstrates how to crack WEP passwords, an older and less often used network security protocol. If the network you want to crack is using the more popular WPA encryption, see our guide to cracking a Wi-Fi network s WPA password with Reaver instead.

Your Wi-Fi network is your conveniently wireless gateway to the internet, and since you re not

Today we re going to run down, step-by-step, how to crack a Wi-Fi network with WEP security turned on. But first, a word: Knowledge is power, but power doesn t mean you should be a jerk, or do anything illegal. Knowing how to pick a lock doesn t make you a thief. Consider this post educational, or a proof-of-concept intellectual exercise.

From the use this for good, not evil files comes a fascinating instructional video on

Dozens of tutorials on how to crack WEP are already all over the internet using this method. Seriously Google it. This ain t what you d call news. But what is surprising is that someone like me, with minimal networking experience, can get this done with free software and a cheap Wi-Fi adapter. Here s how it goes.

you re a computer security and networking ninja, chances are you don t

have all the tools on hand to get this job done. Here s what you ll

A compatible wireless adapter This is

the biggest requirement. You ll need a wireless adapter that s capable

of packet injection, and chances are the one in your computer is not.

After consulting with my friendly neighborhood security expert, I

purchased an Alfa AWUS050NH USB adapter, pictured here, and it set me

back about 50 on Amazon. Update: Don t do what I did. Get the Alfa AWUS036H, not the US050NH, instead. The guy in this video below is using a 12 model he bought on Ebay and is even selling his router of choice. There are plenty of resources on getting aircrack-compatible adapters out there.A BackTrack Live CD. We already took you on a full screenshot tour of how to install and use BackTrack 3,

the Linux Live CD that lets you do all sorts of security testing and

tasks. Download yourself a copy of the CD and burn it, or load it up in

VMware to get started.A nearby WEP-enabled Wi-Fi network.

The signal should be strong and ideally people are using it, connecting

and disconnecting their devices from it. The more use it gets while you

collect the data you need to run your crack, the better your chances of

success.Patience with the command line. This

is an ten-step process that requires typing in long, arcane commands and

waiting around for your Wi-Fi card to collect data in order to crack

the password. Like the doctor said to the short person, be a little

To crack WEP, you ll need to launch Konsole, BackTrack s built-in command line. It s right there on the taskbar in the lower left corner, second button to the right. Now, the commands.

First run the following to get a list of your network interfaces:

The only one I ve got there is labeled ra0. Yours may be different; take note of the label and write it down. From here on in, substitute it in everywhere a command includes interface.

Now, run the following four commands. See the output that I got for them in the screenshot below.

macchanger --mac :: interface

If you don t get the same results from these commands as pictured here, most likely your network adapter won t work with this particular crack. If you do, you ve successfully faked a new MAC address on your network interface, :.

Now it s time to pick your network. Run:

To see a list of wireless networks around you. When you see the one you want, hit Ctrl C to stop the list. Highlight the row pertaining to the network of interest, and take note of two things: its BSSID and its channel in the column labeled CH, as pictured below. Obviously the network you want to crack should have WEP encryption in the ENC column, not WPA or anything else.

Like I said, hit Ctrl C to stop this listing. I had to do this once or twice to find the network I was looking for. Once you ve got it, highlight the BSSID and copy it to your clipboard for reuse in the upcoming commands.

Now we re going to watch what s going on with that network you chose and capture that information to a file. Run:

airodump-ng -c channel -w file name --bssid bssid interface

Where channel is your network s channel, and bssid is the BSSID you just copied to clipboard. You can use the Shift Insert key combination to paste it into the command. Enter anything descriptive for file name. I chose yoyo, which is the network s name I m cracking.

You ll get output like what s in the window in the background pictured below. Leave that one be. Open a new Konsole window in the foreground, and enter this command:

aireplay-ng -1 0 -a bssid -h :: -e essid interface

Here the ESSID is the access point s SSID name, which in my case is yoyo. What you want to get after this command is the reassuring Association successful message with that smiley face.

You re almost there. Now it s time for:

aireplay-ng -3 -b bssid -h :: interface

Here we re creating router traffic to capture more throughput faster to speed up our crack. After a few minutes, that front window will start going crazy with read/write packets. Also, I was unable to surf the web with the yoyo network on a separate computer while this was going on. Here s the part where you might have to grab yourself a cup of coffee or take a walk. Basically you want to wait until enough data has been collected to run your crack. Watch the number in the Data column you want it to go above 10,000. Pictured below it s only at 854.

Depending on the power of your network mine is inexplicably low at -32 in that screenshot, even though the yoyo AP was in the same room as my adapter, this process could take some time. Wait until that Data goes over 10k, though because the crack won t work if it doesn t. In fact, you may need more than 10k, though that seems to be a working threshold for many.

Once you ve collected enough data, it s the moment of truth. Launch a third Konsole window and run the following to crack that data you ve collected:

aircrack-ng -b bssid file name-01.cap

Here the filename should be whatever you entered above for file name. You can browse to your Home directory to see it; it s the one with. cap as the extension.

If you didn t get enough data, aircrack will fail and tell you to try again with more. If it succeeds, it will look like this:

The WEP key appears next to KEY FOUND. Drop the colons and enter it to log onto the network.

With this article I set out to prove that cracking WEP is a relatively easy process for someone determined and willing to get the hardware and software going. I still think that s true, but unlike the guy in the video below, I had several difficulties along the way. In fact, you ll notice that the last screenshot up there doesn t look like the others it s because it s not mine. Even though the AP which I was cracking was my own and in the same room as my Alfa, the power reading on the signal was always around -30, and so the data collection was very slow, and BackTrack would consistently crash before it was complete. After about half a dozen attempts and trying BackTrack on both my Mac and PC, as a live CD and a virtual machine, I still haven t captured enough data for aircrack to decrypt the key.

So while this process is easy in theory, your mileage may vary depending on your hardware, proximity to the AP point, and the way the planets are aligned. Oh yeah, and if you re on deadline Murphy s Law almost guarantees it won t work if you re on deadline.

Got any experience with the WEP cracking courtesy of BackTrack. What do you have to say about it. Give it up in the comments.

How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network crack wireless key

Cracking WEP, WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK wireless security using aircrack-ng

Keywords: aircrack, Wireless, Wi-Fi, WPA, WEP, WPA2, NIC, hash, wordlist, security, SSID, channel

With the popularity of wireless networks and mobile computing, an overall understanding of common security issues has become not only relevant, but very necessary for both home/SOHO users and IT professionals alike. This article is aimed at illustrating current security flaws in WEP/WPA/WPA2.

Successfully cracking a wireless network assumes some basic familiarity with networking principles and terminology, as well as working with command-line tools. A basic familiarity with Linux can be helpful as well.

Disclaimer: Attempting to access a network other than your own, or one you have permission to use is illegal insome U.S. jurisdictions. Speed Guide, Inc. are not to be held liable for any damages resulting from the use or misuse of the information in this article.

To successfully crack WEP/WPA, you first need to be able to set your wireless network card in monitor mode to passively capture packets without being associated with a network. This NIC mode is driver-dependent, and only a relatively small number of network cards support this mode under Windows.

One of the best free utilities for monitoring wireless traffic and cracking WEP/WPA-PSK keys is the aircrack-ng suite, which we will use throughout this article. It has both Linux and Windows versions provided your network card is supported under Windows. The aircrack-ng site has a comprehensive list of supported network cards available here: NIC chipset compatability list.

If your network card is not supported under Windows, one can use a free Linux Live CD to boot the system. BackTrack 3 is probably the most commonly used distribution, since it runs from a Live CD, and has aircrack-ng and a number of related tools already installed.

For this article, I am using aircrack-ng version 1.0 on a Linux partition Fedora Core 10, 2.6 32-bit kernel  on my Sony Vaio SZ-680 laptop, using the built-in Intel 4965agn network card. If you re using the BackTrack 3 CD aircrack-ng is already installed, with my version of linux it was as simple as finding it with:

The aircrack-ng suite is a collection of command-line programs aimed at WEP and WPA-PSK key cracking. The ones we will be using are:

airmon-ng - script used for switching the wireless network card to monitor mode

airodump-ng - for WLAN monitoring and capturing network packets

aireplay-ng - used to generate additional traffic on the wireless network

aircrack-ng - used to recover the WEP key, or launch a dictionary attack on WPA-PSK using the captured data.

As mentioned above, to capture network traffic wihtout being associated with an access point, we need to set the wireless network card in monitor mode. To do that under linux, in a terminal window logged in as root, type:

iwconfig to find all wireless network interfaces and their status

airmon-ng start wlan0   to set in monitor mode, you may have to substitute wlan0 for your own interface name

Note: You can use the su command to switch to a root account.

Other related Linux commands:

ifconfig  to list available network interfaces, my network card is listed as wlan0

ifconfig wlan0 down to stop the specified network card

ifconfig wlan0 hw ether :: change the MAC address of a NIC - can even simulate the MAC of an associated client. NIC should be stopped before chaning MAC address

iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor to set the network card in monitor mode

ifconfig wlan0 up to start the network card

iwconfig - similar to ifconfig, but dedicated to the wireless interfaces.

This step assumes you ve already set your wireless network interface in monitor mode. It can be checked by executing the iwconfig command. Next step is finding available wireless networks, and choosing your target:

airodump-ng mon0 - monitors all channels, listing available access points and associated clients within range. It is best to select a target network with strong signal PWR column,  more traffic Beacons/Data columns and associated clients listed below all access points. Once you ve selected a target, note its Channel and BSSID MAC address. Also note any STATION associated with the same BSSID client MAC addresses.  

running airodump-ng displays all wireless access points and associated clients in range, as well as MAC addresses, SSIDs, signal levels and other information about them.

WEP is much easier to crack than WPA-PSK, as it only requires data capturing between 20k and 40k packets, while WPA-PSK needs a dictionary attack on a captured handshake between the access point and an associated client which may or may not work.

To capture data into a file, we use the airodump-ng tool again, with some additional switches to target a specific AP and channel. Most importantly, you should restrict monitoring to a single channel to speed up data collection, otherwise the wireless card has to alternate between all channels. Assuming our wireless card is mon0, and we want to capture packets on channel 6 into a text file called data:

airodump-ng -c 6 bssid 00:0F:CC:7D:5A:74 -w data mon0  -c6 switch would capture data on channel 6, bssid 00:0F:CC:7D:5A:74 is the MAC address of our target access point, -w data specifies that we want to save captured packets into a file called data in the current directory, mon0 is our wireless network adapter

Running airodump-ng on a single channel targeting a specific access point

You typically need between 20,000 and 40,000 data packets to successfully recover a WEP key.

One can also use the --ivs switch with the airodump-ng command to capture only IVs, instead of whole packets, reducing the required disk space. However, this switch can only be used if targeting a WEP network, and renders some types of attacks useless.

4. Increase Traffic aireplay-ng  - optional step for WEP cracking

An active network can usually be penetrated within a few minutes. However, slow networks can take hours, even days to collect enough data for recovering the WEP key.

This optional step allows a compatible network interface to inject/generate packets to increase traffic on the wireless network, therefore greatly reducing the time required for capturing data. The aireplay-ng command should be executed in a separate terminal window, concurrent to airodump-ng. It requires a compatible network card and driver that allows for injection mode.

Assuming your network card is capable of injecting packets, in a separate terminal window try:

aireplay-ng -3 -b 00:0F:CC:7D:5A:74 -h :A5:2F:A7:DE -x 50 wlan0

-3  -- this specifies the type of attack, in our case ARP-request replay

-b. . -- MAC address of access point

-h. . -- MAC address of associated client from airodump

-x 50 -- limit to sending 50 packets per second

wlan0 -- our wireless network interface

aireplay-ng allows for injecting packets to greatly reduce the time required to recover a WEP key

To test whether your nic is able to inject packets, you may want to try: aireplay-ng -9 wlan0. You may also want to read the information available -here-.

To see all available replay attacks, type just: aireplay-ng

WEP cracking is a simple process, only requiring collection of enough data to then extract the key and connect to the network. You can crack the WEP key while capturing data. In fact, aircrack-ng will re-attempt cracking the key after every 5000 packets.

To attempt recovering the WEP key, in a new terminal window, type:

aircrack-ng data. cap  assuming your capture file is called datacap, and is located in the same directory

aircrack-ng can successfully recover a WEP key with 10-40k captured packets. The retreived key is in hexadecimal, and can be entered directly into a wireless client omitting the : separators

If your data file contains ivs/packets from different access points, you may be presented with a list to choose which one to recover.

Usually, between 20k and 40k packets  are needed to successfully crack a WEP key. It may sometimes work with as few as 10,000 packets with short keys.

6. Crack WPA or WPA2 PSK aircrack-ng

WPA, unlike WEP rotates the network key on a per-packet basis, rendering the WEP method of penetration useless. Cracking a WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK key requires a dictionary attack on a handshake between an access point and a client. What this means is, you need to wait until a wireless client associates with the network or deassociate an already connected client so they automatically reconnect. All that needs to be captured is the initial four-way-handshake association between the access point and a client. Essentially, the weakness of WPA-PSK comes down to the passphrase. A short/weak passphrase makes it vulnerable to dictionary attacks.

To successfully crack a WPA-PSK network, you first need a capture file containing handshake data. This can be obtained using the same technique as with WEP in step 3 above, using airodump-ng.

You may also try to deauthenticate an associated client to speed up this process of capturing a handshake, using:

aireplay-ng --deauth 3 -a MAC_AP -c MAC_Client mon0  where MAC_IP is the MAC address of the access point,  MAC_Client is the MAC address of an associated client, mon0 is your wireless NIC.

The command output looks something like:

:56  Waiting for beakon frame BSSID: :::66 on channel 6

:56 Sending 64 directed DeAuth. STMAC: :::66    ACKs

Note the last two numbers in brackets ACKs show the number of acknowledgements received from the client NIC first number  and the AP second number. It is important to have some number greater than zero in both. If the first number is zero, that indicates that you re too far from the associated client to be able to send deauth packets to it, you may want to try adding a reflector to your antenna even a simple manilla folder with aluminum foil stapled to it works as a reflector to increase range and concentrate the signal significantly, or use a larger antenna.

Simple antenna reflector using aluminum foil stapled to a manilla folder can concentrate the signal and increase range significantly. For best results, you ll have to place the antenna exactly in the middle and change direction as necessary. Of course there are better reflectors out there, a parabolic reflector would offer even higher gain, for example.

Once you have captured a four-way handshake, you also need a large/relevant dictinary file commonly known as wordlists  with common passphrases. See related links below for some wordlist links.

You can, then execute the following command in a linux terminal window assuming both the dictionary file and captured data file are in the same directory :

aircrack-ng -w wordlist capture_file where wordlist is your dictionary file, and capture_file is a. cap file with a valid WPA handshake

Cracking WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK only needs 4 packets of data from the network a handshake. After that, an offline dictionary attack on that handshake takes much longer, and will only succeed with weak passphrases and good dictionary files. A good size wordlist should be 20 Megabytes in size, cracking a strong passphrase will take hours and is CPU intensive.

Cracking WPA/WPA2 usually takes many hours, testing tens of millions of possible keys for the chance to stumble on a combination of common numerals or dictionary words. Still, a weak/short/common/human-readable passphrase can be broken within a few minutes using an offline dictionary attack. My record time was less than a minute on an all-caps 10-character passphrase using common words with less than 11,000 tested keys. A modern laptop can process over 10 Million possible keys in less than 3 hours.

WPA hashes the network key using the wireless access point s SSID as salt. This prevents the statistical key-grabbing techniques that broke WEP, and makes hash precomputation more dificult because the specific SSID needs to be added as salt for the hash. There are some tools like coWPAtty that can use precomputed hash files to speed up dictionary attacks. Those hash files can be very effective sicne they re much less CPU intensive and therefore faster, but quite big in size. The Church of WiFi has computed hash tables for the 1000 most common SSIDs against a million common passphrases that are 7Gb and 33Gb in size

As demonstrated above, WEP cracking has become increasingly easier over the years, and what used to take hundreds of thousands packets and days of capturing data can be accomplished today within 15 minutes with a mere 20k data frames.

WPA/WPA2-PSK encryption is holding its ground if using a strong, long key. However, weak passphrases are vulnerable to dictionary attacks. WPA/WPA2 may be on borrowed time as well, according to some recent news.

WPA Wordlists - Torrent search

We have updated our tutorial on how to crack WPA / WPA2 with even more powerful and easier to use passphrase recovery tools. We ve also added tips for creati.

Video embedded  To crack WEP, you ll need to launch Konsole, BackTrack s built-in command line. It s right there on the taskbar in the lower left corner, second button to.

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Wireless key free download - Wi-Fi Password Key Generator 3.1: Secure passwords for your wifi network, and much more programs.

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Wireless Security ; Wireless Cracking Tools. computing the encryption key when enough packets have IKECrack is an open source IKE/IPSec authentication crack tool.

How To Crack WEP and WPA Wireless Networks

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By clicking the Yes, I Agree button, you agree to allow Dell to add and or remove a registry entry making a Trusted Site for your Internet browser. Adding as a Trusted Site is required for Dell System Detect to function correctly in certain operating systems.

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Dell will automatically detect and display your system configuration details and service tag, enabling us to: Determine whether or not your system is still covered under warrantyKnow what software is currently installed on your system Find compatible drivers and utilities for your productProvide you with relevant articles and self-help topicsCollect software usage data

Dell offers a variety of Software applications designed to provide you with the most optimized user and support experience possible. You may have selected some of these applications as part of the purchase of your computer. When these applications are installed on your system, you can see them labeled as Support Software, Dell or under their titled name in Add or Remove Programs Start, Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs. Aside from your unique service tag number, none of the system configuration or use data can be used to identify you. Dell will treat the data we collect in accordance with Dell s privacy statement. To learn more about Dell s privacy practices or for more details about how Dell handles personal information, please take a look at Dell s Privacy Statement at Support resources are available at

Allowing Dell to collect this information on an on-going basis for use and storage in servers that may be outside of your country can enable you to receive software updates and alerts that are specific to your system, as well as customized product information and offers available from Dell, its affiliates and its business associates namely, providers of products and services on Dell applications.

If you have any concerns about the terms of the Dell Software License Agreement or the Dell Privacy Statement, you may uninstall the program through Add/Remove Programs by following the online uninstall guide. The use of the program is also subject to the terms of your Service Agreement and Terms and Conditions of Sale if in the US or the applicable service agreement and terms of sale on your local website.

Dell End User License AgreementThis is a legal agreement Agreement between you, the user, and Dell Products L.P., a Texas limited partnership, or Dell Global B.V. Singapore Branch, a Singapore branch of a company incorporated in The Netherlands with limited liability, on behalf of itself, Dell Inc., and Dell Inc. s other subsidiaries and affiliates together Dell. This Agreement covers all software Software and any upgrades, updates, patches, hotfixes, modules, routines, feature enhancements and additional versions of the Software that replace or supplement the original Software collectively Updates distributed by Dell unless there is a separate license agreement between you and the manufacturer or owner of the Software or Update. Please go to the Dell Software License Agreement to view the applicable version of this agreement for your region. If there is no separate license agreement then this Agreement governs your use of Updates, and such Updates will be considered Software for all purposes of this EULA. This Agreement is not for the sale of Software or any other intellectual property. All title and intellectual property rights in and to Software are owned and retained by the manufacturer or owner of the Software. All rights not expressly granted under this Agreement are reserved by the manufacturer or owner of the Software. By opening or breaking the seal on the Software packet s, installing, downloading, activating the Software, click-accepting these terms or using the Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to these terms, you may not install, download, activate or otherwise use the Software and must promptly return for a full refund all Software including accompanying media, written materials and packaging or delete any Software, as directed by Dell; for software included with your purchase of hardware, you must return the entire hardware/software package. The right to a full refund does not apply to any updates or upgrades subject to the terms of this Agreement. If you are an entity, you acknowledge that the individual accepting these terms has appropriate authority to do so and to bind you.

Subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of this Agreement, Dell grants you a limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable except as set forth herein, nonassignable license to use the Software in object code only on as many computers, devices, or in such configurations as you are expressly entitled, or on one computer or device if no other entitlement is specified, and for such period as you are entitled, in the case of a term license, and perpetually, if no term is specified. You may use the Software only on Dell computers or devices, with the exception of mobile device application software specifically designed by Dell to be run on non-Dell hardware. Use means to install, store, load, execute and display the Software. If you are a commercial customer of Dell, you hereby grant Dell or an agent selected by Dell the right to perform an audit of your use of the Software during normal business hours; you agree to cooperate with Dell in such audit; and you agree to provide Dell with all records reasonably related to your use of the Software. The audit will be limited to verification of your compliance with the terms of this Agreement. The Software is protected by United States and other applicable copyright laws and international treaties and may be protected under the patent laws of the applicable jurisdiction. You may make one copy of the Software solely for backup or archival purposes, or transfer it to a single hard disk or storage device provided you keep the copy solely for backup or archival purposes. You shall reproduce and include copyright and other proprietary notices on and in any copies of the Software. You may not sublicense, rent, or lease the Software or copy the written materials accompanying the Software. You may transfer the Software and all accompanying materials on a permanent basis as part of a sale or transfer of the Dell product on which it was preloaded by Dell, where applicable, if you retain no copies and the recipient agrees to the terms hereof. Any such transfer must include the most recent update and all prior versions. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble, modify or create derivative works of the Software. If the package accompanying your Dell computer or device contains optical discs or other storage media, you may use only the media appropriate for your computer or device. You may not use the optical discs or storage media on another computer, device or network, or loan, rent, lease or transfer them to another user except as permitted by this Agreement.


Dell warrants that the Software media if applicable will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for 90 days from the date you receive them. This warranty is limited to you and is not transferable. Any implied warranties are limited to 90 days from the date you receive the Software. Some jurisdictions do not allow limits on the duration of an implied warranty, so this limitation may not apply to you. The entire liability of Dell and its suppliers, and your exclusive remedy, shall be, at Dell s option, either a termination of this Agreement and return of the price paid for the Software or b replacement of any media not meeting this warranty that is sent with a return authorization number to Dell, within the 90-day warranty period, at your cost and risk. This limited warranty is void if any media damage has resulted from accident, abuse, misapplication, or service or modification by someone other than Dell. Any replacement media is warranted for the remaining original warranty period or 30 days, whichever is longer.

Dell and its suppliers do NOT warrant that the functions of the Software will meet your requirements or that operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free. You assume responsibility for selecting the Software to achieve your intended results, and for the use and results obtained from the Software. The terms of this Agreement do not entitle you to any maintenance or support for the Software.




Some or all of the Software may be remotely hosted or accessible to you through the internet. In such case, Dell may suspend, terminate, withdraw, or discontinue all or part of the Software or your access to the Software upon receipt of a subpoena or law-enforcement request, or when Dell believes, in its sole discretion, that you have breached any term of this Agreement or are involved in any fraudulent, misleading or illegal activities. Dell may modify the Software at any time with or without prior notice to you. Dell may perform scheduled or unscheduled repairs or maintenance, or remotely patch or upgrade the Software installed on its and your computer system s, which may temporarily degrade the quality of the Software or result in a partial or complete outage of the Software. Updates, patches or alerts may be delivered from Dell servers, which may be located outside of your country. Dell provides no assurance that you will receive advance notification of such activities or that your use of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free.


The Software may come bundled or otherwise distributed with open source or other third party software which is subject to terms and conditions of the specific license under which it is distributed.


Under certain open source software licenses you are entitled to obtain the corresponding source files. You may find corresponding source files for the Software at or at such other locations indicated by Dell.

You are advised that the Software is subject to U.S. export laws as well as the laws of the country where it is delivered or used. You agree to abide by these laws. Under these laws, the Software may not be sold, leased or transferred to restricted countries currently Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria, restricted end users or for restricted end-uses. You specifically agree that the Software will not be used for activities related to weapons of mass destruction, including but not limited to activities related to the design, development, production, or use of nuclear materials, nuclear facilities, or nuclear weapons, missiles, or support of missile projects, or chemical or biological weapons.


The software and documentation are commercial items as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. 2.101, consisting of commercial computer software and commercial computer software documentation as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, all U.S. Government end users acquire the software and documentation with only those rights set forth herein. Contractor/manufacturer is Dell Products L.P., One Dell Way, Round Rock, Texas, 78682.

This license is effective until terminated. It will terminate upon the conditions set forth above or if you fail to comply with any of its terms. Upon termination, you agree that the Software and accompanying materials, and all copies thereof, will be destroyed. Except as prohibited by local law, this Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Texas, without regard to principles of conflicts of laws. Each provision of this Agreement is severable. If a provision is found to be unenforceable, this finding does not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement is binding on successors and assigns. Dell agrees and you agree to waive, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any right to a jury trial with respect to the Software or this Agreement. Because this waiver may not be effective in some jurisdictions, this waiver may not apply to you. You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement, that you understand it, that you agree to be bound by its terms, and that this is the complete and exclusive statement of the Agreement between you and Dell regarding the Software.

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Encore Wireless-G USB 2.0 Adapter achieves a wireless speed up to 54Mbps, which is almost five times faster than 802.11b standard. With user-friendly software, you can easily install this adapter and configure its strong security features, including WPA, WPA2 and WEP data encryption.

ENUWI-G2 works on two modes. With the Ad-hoc mode, you can connect directly with other 802.11b/g-enabled computers for peer-to-peer file sharing. For the infrastructure mode, connect to a wireless access point or router for access to the Internet in your home or small office.

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Which Optical Mouse for Windows 98 SE? - Windows 9x / ME

The last time I found myself in the same position I bought 2 optical mice brand name being TECHNIKA, the first one lasted about a year or two when the scroll button started to go wonky, so I added the second mouse and it s working as the first one did previously.

I found that after attaching the mouse windows asked for the 98 CD, of which I had to browse for a driver and it seemed to work from then on.

I believe it s attached as a HID Compliant mouse.

Not sure if TECHNIKA do this particular model any longerTKOPTM2

Try a cheap one out of Asda, Tesco or wallmart.

Edited by frogman, 30 August 2010 - AM.

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Jun 19, 2014  General USB Troubleshooting in Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows Me 267317 Cannot Remove the Driver for the PS/2 Mouse.

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For years, Autorun-based malware has been atop of the worldwide e-threat landscape, with notorious representatives such as Trojan.AutorunInf, the Conficker worm Win32.Worm.Downadup or Worm.Autorun.VHD.

Introduced back in the Windows XP era to facilitate software installations from CD-ROM media for non-technical computer users, the Autorun feature has rapidly become the infection vector of choice for cyber-criminals.

The USB immunizer is Bitdefender s response to this growing issue.

It disables autorun-related threats before they access the computer. Once installed, it constantly watches for newly inserted USB storage devices and immunizes them on the fly. If you accidentally plug in an infected USB drive that has not been immunized, the computer will not auto-execute the piece of malware located on the USB storage device.

The FAQ for the latest version of the USB Immunizer can be found here.

Bitdefender USB Immunizer is a free and easy to use tool that helps make sure you transfer the files, not the viruses.

It disables autorun-related threats before they access the computer. Once installed, it constantly watches for newly inserted USB storage devices and immunizes them on the fly.

The FAQ for the latest version of the USB Immunizer can be found

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Disclaimer: Patching Windows Live/MSN Messenger infringes Microsoft s Terms of Use. Downloading and installing this software is your own rational choice and I am not responsible in any way.

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How To Crack Time Trials

Oct 12, 2006  so that users can continue to using the trial shareware without crack or You can also freeze trials with Free Download My Digital Life.

But unfortunately it was a trial software that would expire after a specific period of time. Crack Date Protection in Trial Software. or trials to use for.

Hack Attack : Crack Date Protection in Trial Software

Have you ever had the software that you always wanted to have, but unfortunately it was a trial software that would expire after a specific period of time. Did you ever wish to take the trialware to last till anyday you want, and not the generic 30 days trial.

Well there you go.. A Freeware called Date Cracker 2000 allows you to just that. It allows you to extend the trial of your favorite software to virtually any date in the future.

Having said that, Date Cracker is the program that the Software industry doesn t want you to know about. Well using Date cracker is as simple as making a cup of Coffee. Just follow the instructions and in a few moments you will be using favorite trial software for as long as you wish.

Install Date Cracker and open it up from the Start Menu

Add the description for your program.

Click the Button at the bottom of the window.

Search for the executable of the file that you wish to crack.

Set the Simulated Run Date to any date you wish.

Well that was easy wasn t it. Here are a few things I suggest you keep in mind before using Date Cracker.

Run the Software you wish to crack via Date Cracker when you first run it.

Date should be entered in the format : YYYY/MM/DD

Well that is it. Try it on stuff you have lying around in your Hard disk. Let me know if it works for you.

Disclaimer : This tutorial is meant for educational purposes only. I don t recommend break laws to use the softwares. Cracking is Illegal..

Today, crack addiction is the primary cause for inpatient treatment voluntary or not for all illicit substances losing only for alcohol addiction.

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In this post I will show you how to hack a Software program and run the trial program forever. to crack the windows 7 beta i time instead of the date 60.

Jan 17, 2016  more then 100 likes I will make another crack video of the scorch trials.. Or maybe does it takes so long its already time for a death cure crack.. You.

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Please send any comments or suggestions to. Please post all driver requests on the messageboard. All rights reserved.

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The file contains a compressed or zipped set of files packing the drivers for Dell OptiPlex 780 SoundMAX ADI 198x Audio. In order to make full use of your device.

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Analog Devices AD1885/AD1980/AD1981A/AD1981B/AD198 Audio Driver. OS s Supported: Windows 2000 and Windows XP. File Date: 10/30/2003. Driver must be.

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Please read the following terms and click Yes, I Agree if you agree to them.

By clicking the Yes, I Agree button, you agree to allow Dell to add and or remove a registry entry making a Trusted Site for your Internet browser. Adding as a Trusted Site is required for Dell System Detect to function correctly in certain operating systems.

We automatically detect your system configuration and Service Tag

Dell will automatically detect and display your system configuration details and service tag, enabling us to: Determine whether or not your system is still covered under warrantyKnow what software is currently installed on your system Find compatible drivers and utilities for your productProvide you with relevant articles and self-help topicsCollect software usage data

Dell offers a variety of Software applications designed to provide you with the most optimized user and support experience possible. You may have selected some of these applications as part of the purchase of your computer. When these applications are installed on your system, you can see them labeled as Support Software, Dell or under their titled name in Add or Remove Programs Start, Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs. Aside from your unique service tag number, none of the system configuration or use data can be used to identify you. Dell will treat the data we collect in accordance with Dell s privacy statement. To learn more about Dell s privacy practices or for more details about how Dell handles personal information, please take a look at Dell s Privacy Statement at Support resources are available at

Allowing Dell to collect this information on an on-going basis for use and storage in servers that may be outside of your country can enable you to receive software updates and alerts that are specific to your system, as well as customized product information and offers available from Dell, its affiliates and its business associates namely, providers of products and services on Dell applications.

If you have any concerns about the terms of the Dell Software License Agreement or the Dell Privacy Statement, you may uninstall the program through Add/Remove Programs by following the online uninstall guide. The use of the program is also subject to the terms of your Service Agreement and Terms and Conditions of Sale if in the US or the applicable service agreement and terms of sale on your local website.

Dell End User License AgreementThis is a legal agreement Agreement between you, the user, and Dell Products L.P., a Texas limited partnership, or Dell Global B.V. Singapore Branch, a Singapore branch of a company incorporated in The Netherlands with limited liability, on behalf of itself, Dell Inc., and Dell Inc. s other subsidiaries and affiliates together Dell. This Agreement covers all software Software and any upgrades, updates, patches, hotfixes, modules, routines, feature enhancements and additional versions of the Software that replace or supplement the original Software collectively Updates distributed by Dell unless there is a separate license agreement between you and the manufacturer or owner of the Software or Update. Please go to the Dell Software License Agreement to view the applicable version of this agreement for your region. If there is no separate license agreement then this Agreement governs your use of Updates, and such Updates will be considered Software for all purposes of this EULA. This Agreement is not for the sale of Software or any other intellectual property. All title and intellectual property rights in and to Software are owned and retained by the manufacturer or owner of the Software. All rights not expressly granted under this Agreement are reserved by the manufacturer or owner of the Software. By opening or breaking the seal on the Software packet s, installing, downloading, activating the Software, click-accepting these terms or using the Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to these terms, you may not install, download, activate or otherwise use the Software and must promptly return for a full refund all Software including accompanying media, written materials and packaging or delete any Software, as directed by Dell; for software included with your purchase of hardware, you must return the entire hardware/software package. The right to a full refund does not apply to any updates or upgrades subject to the terms of this Agreement. If you are an entity, you acknowledge that the individual accepting these terms has appropriate authority to do so and to bind you.

Subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of this Agreement, Dell grants you a limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable except as set forth herein, nonassignable license to use the Software in object code only on as many computers, devices, or in such configurations as you are expressly entitled, or on one computer or device if no other entitlement is specified, and for such period as you are entitled, in the case of a term license, and perpetually, if no term is specified. You may use the Software only on Dell computers or devices, with the exception of mobile device application software specifically designed by Dell to be run on non-Dell hardware. Use means to install, store, load, execute and display the Software. If you are a commercial customer of Dell, you hereby grant Dell or an agent selected by Dell the right to perform an audit of your use of the Software during normal business hours; you agree to cooperate with Dell in such audit; and you agree to provide Dell with all records reasonably related to your use of the Software. The audit will be limited to verification of your compliance with the terms of this Agreement. The Software is protected by United States and other applicable copyright laws and international treaties and may be protected under the patent laws of the applicable jurisdiction. You may make one copy of the Software solely for backup or archival purposes, or transfer it to a single hard disk or storage device provided you keep the copy solely for backup or archival purposes. You shall reproduce and include copyright and other proprietary notices on and in any copies of the Software. You may not sublicense, rent, or lease the Software or copy the written materials accompanying the Software. You may transfer the Software and all accompanying materials on a permanent basis as part of a sale or transfer of the Dell product on which it was preloaded by Dell, where applicable, if you retain no copies and the recipient agrees to the terms hereof. Any such transfer must include the most recent update and all prior versions. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble, modify or create derivative works of the Software. If the package accompanying your Dell computer or device contains optical discs or other storage media, you may use only the media appropriate for your computer or device. You may not use the optical discs or storage media on another computer, device or network, or loan, rent, lease or transfer them to another user except as permitted by this Agreement.


Dell warrants that the Software media if applicable will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for 90 days from the date you receive them. This warranty is limited to you and is not transferable. Any implied warranties are limited to 90 days from the date you receive the Software. Some jurisdictions do not allow limits on the duration of an implied warranty, so this limitation may not apply to you. The entire liability of Dell and its suppliers, and your exclusive remedy, shall be, at Dell s option, either a termination of this Agreement and return of the price paid for the Software or b replacement of any media not meeting this warranty that is sent with a return authorization number to Dell, within the 90-day warranty period, at your cost and risk. This limited warranty is void if any media damage has resulted from accident, abuse, misapplication, or service or modification by someone other than Dell. Any replacement media is warranted for the remaining original warranty period or 30 days, whichever is longer.

Dell and its suppliers do NOT warrant that the functions of the Software will meet your requirements or that operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free. You assume responsibility for selecting the Software to achieve your intended results, and for the use and results obtained from the Software. The terms of this Agreement do not entitle you to any maintenance or support for the Software.




Some or all of the Software may be remotely hosted or accessible to you through the internet. In such case, Dell may suspend, terminate, withdraw, or discontinue all or part of the Software or your access to the Software upon receipt of a subpoena or law-enforcement request, or when Dell believes, in its sole discretion, that you have breached any term of this Agreement or are involved in any fraudulent, misleading or illegal activities. Dell may modify the Software at any time with or without prior notice to you. Dell may perform scheduled or unscheduled repairs or maintenance, or remotely patch or upgrade the Software installed on its and your computer system s, which may temporarily degrade the quality of the Software or result in a partial or complete outage of the Software. Updates, patches or alerts may be delivered from Dell servers, which may be located outside of your country. Dell provides no assurance that you will receive advance notification of such activities or that your use of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free.


The Software may come bundled or otherwise distributed with open source or other third party software which is subject to terms and conditions of the specific license under which it is distributed.


Under certain open source software licenses you are entitled to obtain the corresponding source files. You may find corresponding source files for the Software at or at such other locations indicated by Dell.

You are advised that the Software is subject to U.S. export laws as well as the laws of the country where it is delivered or used. You agree to abide by these laws. Under these laws, the Software may not be sold, leased or transferred to restricted countries currently Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria, restricted end users or for restricted end-uses. You specifically agree that the Software will not be used for activities related to weapons of mass destruction, including but not limited to activities related to the design, development, production, or use of nuclear materials, nuclear facilities, or nuclear weapons, missiles, or support of missile projects, or chemical or biological weapons.


The software and documentation are commercial items as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. 2.101, consisting of commercial computer software and commercial computer software documentation as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, all U.S. Government end users acquire the software and documentation with only those rights set forth herein. Contractor/manufacturer is Dell Products L.P., One Dell Way, Round Rock, Texas, 78682.

This license is effective until terminated. It will terminate upon the conditions set forth above or if you fail to comply with any of its terms. Upon termination, you agree that the Software and accompanying materials, and all copies thereof, will be destroyed. Except as prohibited by local law, this Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Texas, without regard to principles of conflicts of laws. Each provision of this Agreement is severable. If a provision is found to be unenforceable, this finding does not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement is binding on successors and assigns. Dell agrees and you agree to waive, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any right to a jury trial with respect to the Software or this Agreement. Because this waiver may not be effective in some jurisdictions, this waiver may not apply to you. You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement, that you understand it, that you agree to be bound by its terms, and that this is the complete and exclusive statement of the Agreement between you and Dell regarding the Software.

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Some No-CD/Fixed EXE files work fine in Single Player mode but are detected to be modified when trying to play online. When this happens use the original EXE to play online, else you could find yourself banned from the game.

When using Fixed Files make sure to use a Firewall which controls outgoing traffic, as some games call back to report the use of these modified files.

Some original games do not work when a certain application has been installed, like DAEMON Tools. In most cases using a No-CD or Fixed EXE will solve this problem.

Some Game Trainers are sometimes reported to be a Virus or Trojan, the most common is a keylogger called HotKeysHook or the file has been packed/protected with VMProtect or Themida and is recognized as Win32/Packed.VMProtect or Win32/Packed.Themida. In ALL cases this is a FALSE ALARM as NONE of the Game Trainers GCW contain known malicious code. More info in the PC Games FAQ.

If you have problems using a trainer in combination with Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10 then make sure to run the trainer with Administrator rights and when needed in Windows XP or Windows 98 compatibility mode.

ALL available trainers are for Single Player/Offline use ONLY. Don t try to use them online else your account can/will be banned/closed.

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File Archive 1.0 MB - Promo Trainer

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The contents of this page may not be used, reproduced, copied or published anywhere else without the written permission of GameCopyWorld

Privacy Statement - Contact Us.

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CDP Driver System Prerequisites CDP designates a Windows 2000 Protocol Driver designed to run with Cisco CallManager on a Cisco Media Convergence Server with a.

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ContentsCisco Discovery Protocol DriverCisco Discovery Protocol Driver InstallationInstall CDP DriverUninstall CDP DriverDefault CDP Settings

Cisco Discovery Protocol Driver Installation

Supported Unified ICM/CCE systems use the Cisco Discovery Protocol

CDP to periodically send out CDP messages to a designated multicast address.

These messages contain information such as device identification, interface

name, system capabilities, SNMP agent address, and time-to-live. Any Cisco

device with CDP support can locate a Cisco Unified ICM/CCE server by monitoring

You must install the CDP Driver if you want to use the Cisco CDP SNMP

features available on Cisco MCS-78xx Series servers.

The CDP Driver is automatically installed on Unified CCE Nodes.

Unified ICM CCE/CCH must manually install the driver.

Install CDP DriverUninstall CDP Driver

DO NOT install the CDP Driver on

any hardware other than Cisco MCS-78xx Series servers. Installation on other

hardware can cause severe OS instability.

Follow these steps to install the CDP Driver:

From the server on which you want to install the CDP Driver, use a

Command Prompt and navigate to

cdpinstall.bat and follow the on-screen

If you execute this program by double-clicking it from Windows

Explorer, you will not be able to see any messages that may appear, as Windows

will close the command window when it completes execution.

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Explorer you will not be able to see any messages that may appear, as Windows

The following table shows the default CDP settings:

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The Cisco Discovery Protocol CDP is a proprietary Data Link Layer protocol developed by Cisco Systems. It is used to share information about other directly.

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)

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Cisco Discovery Protocol is a protocol for discovering devices on a network. Each CDP-compatible device sends periodic messages to a well-known multicast address. Devices discover each other by listening at that address. CDP has primarily two features, Advertisement and Discovery. The CDP implementation for Unity addresses only the advertisement feature. CDP advertisement communicates the system name, interface name, system capabilities, etc. through sending periodic CDP messages on the active physical interfaces Ethernet NIC to a well-known multicast address 0100.0CCC.CCCC. CDP discovery allows the device to listen to the periodic advertisement messages sent by other neighbor devices, to learn about neighboring devices and determine whether their interfaces are up or down.

Since CDP does not run on top of any network layer, but rather runs over the data link layer, CDP Protocol Driver CDP.SYS is implemented on the Windows platform as an NDIS protocol driver running on top of the existing Ethernet driver.

CDP Driver System Prerequisites CDP is designed as a Windows 2000 Protocol Driver to run with Cisco CallManager on a Cisco Media Convergence Server with a.

Cisco Discovery Protocol Driver

Cisco Discovery Protocol is a protocol for discovering devices on a network. Each CDP-compatible device sends periodic messages to a well-known multicast address.

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Check if the CDP Driver Protocol exists. Retrieved from Category.

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CDP Protocol Driver missing in Device Manager. From DocWiki. Check if the CDP Driver Retrieved from.

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Trend Micro Internet Security Pro 2010: A Mixed Bag

The current test Trend Micro Internet Security Pro for Windows XP from September 2010 of AV-TEST, the leading international and independent service provider for.

Trend Micro Internet Security Pro 2010 70 for three users as of 3/10/2010 ranks tenth in our 2010 roundup of security suites. It offers a competitive and complete package for desktop Internet security, but its malware detection lags behind that of our top performers.

Its interface is easy to read and use overall, and it has kept the look and layout used in earlier versions: a left-hand pane for navigation, and a right pane containing configuration options. These options can get quite advanced, but they are easy to configure, and first-time users will find the defaults sufficient to begin with.

Trend Micro found all the active malware infections on our test PC and disabled 87 percent. It completely removed 47 percent of the malware; this seems low, but it s about average compared with the other packages we tested.

The suite was a strong performer at detecting rootkits stealth malware that is used to hide other infections, but it was a little behind the curve at removing them. It detected all inactive rootkits and 93 percent of active rootkits, and it removed 73 percent of the samples. But on average, the suites we tested removed 87 percent, and our top performers removed all samples.

For detection and disinfection through behavioral scanning detecting malware based on how it behaves on your PC, Trend Micro was average. Although it detected 93 percent of samples, it blocked only 60 percent, and removed 40 percent. Behavioral detection is a good test for seeing how well a suite can catch new, unknown malware infections, and given the sheer number of new threats, this sort of feature is becoming increasingly important.

Trend Micro was the worst of the group at signature-based malware detection, catching 89.4 percent of samples. Our top performer detected 99.9 percent of samples in this test, and most other products detected roughly 96 to 97 percent. This test isn t as important as it was in the past, now that other, more proactive protection measures have become the norm.

Trend Micro s impact on system performance was mixed: It was a solid performer for the most part, but its scanning engine needs some work. Our test PC started up in 42.4 seconds; that s about 4.5 seconds faster than the average boot time for the sutes we tested. And the suite introduced very little slowing in daily PC operations. On-access scan speeds how quickly a suite can scan files when they are opened or saved to disk were significantly slower than average; it scanned 4.5GB of data in 7 minutes, 26 seconds. By comparison, our top performer completed this test in 2 minutes, 51 seconds.

The package includes a full range of technical support options with how-to videos, a searchable knowledge base, and PDF manuals for download. Free e-mail, chat, and telephone support is available during business hours. If you want 24/7 phone support, however, you ll have to pay a fee.

Current users of Trend Micro s suite may be happy with the upgrade, but new users should look elsewhere for more progressive protection.

The current test Trend Micro Internet Security Pro 2010 for Windows 7 102241 from June 2010 of AV-TEST, the leading international and independent service provider.

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1996-2014,, Inc. or its affiliates.

And activation of Trend Micro Internet Security Pro Trend Micro Internet Security Pro 2010 Support; Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Incorporated.

Dec 22, 2009  Trend Micro – Internet Security Pro 2010 anti-virus and Internet security programs out there. Trend Micro is an protection test.

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Trend Micro Internet Security Pro 2010 Trend Micro Internet Security Pro 2010 found all the active malware infections on our test Current users of Trend Micro.

Trend Micro is a global leader in network antivirus and internet content security software and services with Trend Micro TM Internet Security 10 Advanced.

Mar 30, 2010  Trend Micro Internet Security Pro 2010 has plenty of features and is easy to use, but its malware detection falls short of the top contenders.

Trend Micro is a global leader in internet content security software and cloud computing security with a focus on 50 OFF Trend Micro Maximum Security.

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Welcome to the official BlackBerry Support Community Forums. This is your resource to discuss support topics with your peers, and learn from each other.

Sep 20, 2012  RIM has pushed out its latest update to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. This time we are getting Service Pack 4 which we have heard about for awhile.

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RIM Releases BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 Service Pack 4 (Express Included)

Aug 18, 2011  With the onslaught of new devices and device changes, there s sometimes a need to activate your device on a Blackberry Enterprise Server.

BlackBerry is a line of wireless handheld devices commonly called smartphones and services designed and marketed by BlackBerry Limited, formerly known as Research.

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RIM has pushed out its latest update to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. This time we are getting Service Pack 4 which we have heard about for awhile. There is nothing crazy new in this release but it does have some overall improvements. It is available now for Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Domino and from what I can tell the update is also available for BES Express. You can find the Service Pack for downloading here and the documentation here.

The main feature list includes:

BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP4 supports JRE v6.31 or higher

BlackBerry Monitoring Service removed

BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP4 does not include the BlackBerry Monitoring Service. No version of the BlackBerry Monitoring Service works with BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP4.

BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP4 includes support for sending messages that use Latin characters along with Hebrew or Arabic characters.

BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP4 increases the maximum size of HTML email messages from 32KB to 300KB.

Increased attachment size limit

BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP4 increases the default maximum attachment size from 3MB to 10MB.

Enhancements to email prepopulation

BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP4 enhances the email prepopulation process in the following ways:

Includes both header and body information in prepopulated messages

Increases the default number of messages to prepopulate to 1000 or 14 days of messages

Performs prepopulation at every activation, not just when a PIN changes for example if all data and applications are deleted and the smartphone is activated again

Increased efficiency of reconciliation process

BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP4 includes enhancements that reduce the workload on the computer that hosts the BlackBerry Configuration Database.

Enhancements to security features

BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP4 includes security enhancements that are designed to allow verification of data integrity and authenticity for organizations that use multiple layers of encryption.

Full synchronization of sent email messages

BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP4 synchronizes the full body of sent messages to the BlackBerry smartphone.

BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP4 allows you to leave canceled meetings in the calendar on your BlackBerry smartphone instead of automatically removing them.

Enhancements to access control policies

BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP4 allows administrators to assign access control policies to both individuals and groups.

Support for password-protected attachments

The BlackBerry Attachment Service in BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP4 supports password-protected attachments.

Changes to sent message timestamps

BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP4 uses the time from the BlackBerry smartphone to indicate the time a message was sent instead of using the time on the server. Sent messages now display the correct sent time even if the BlackBerry smartphone is in a time zone that is different from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

Support for additional shapes in Microsoft PowerPoint

The BlackBerry Attachment Service for BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP4 displays more shapes from Microsoft PowerPoint attachments.

Online help for BlackBerry Enterprise Transporter

The BlackBerry Enterprise Transporter, a tool available in the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Resource Kit 5.0 SP4 includes online help.

BlackBerry Domain Search tool removed

The BlackBerry Enterprise Server Resource Kit 5.0 SP4 does not include the BlackBerry Domain Search tool because BlackBerry Mobile Fusion Studio includes the features the tool offered.

Improvements to certificate administration

Administrators can configure VPN profile certificates for BlackBerry smartphones so that the user does not need to perform this task.

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Overview Cricket is indoor location system for pervasive and sensor-based computing environments, such as those envisioned by MIT s Project Oxygen.

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Software release version 2.3.2 and firmware 2.3.2

Add license to the source code

Adjust the distance calculation for some crickets

Add a by page schematic download and update the schematics

Software release version 2.3.0 and firmware 2.3.1

Improve ultrasound directionality

Added schematics to the download section

New firmware and software version 2.2.2

New firmware and software version 2.2.1

New firmware and software version 2.2.0

Change ultrasound back to 53 ms

Fix scheduling bug due to wrong wait time

Cricket is indoor location system for pervasive and sensor-based

computing environments, such as those envisioned by MIT s Project Oxygen.

Cricket provides fine-grained location

information---space identifiers, position coordinates, and

orientation---to applications running on handhelds, laptops, and

There have been two major versions of Cricket to date July 2004.

Cricket v2, the current version, is substantially more accurate and

energy-efficient compared to Cricket v1. v2 has a new software stack

that runs on TinyOS, has better support for continuous object

tracking, has support for various auto-configuration algorithms, etc.

You can buy Cricket v2 units from Crossbow

Technologies. The software for Cricket v2 both embedded software

and higher-layer software that runs on laptops/handhelds are available

here. This software is under an open

source license and can be used for education, research, and commercial

purposes as long as the requirements in the copyright notice are

followed. Cricket available from Crossbow

Technologies may not be preloaded with the embedded software when

shipped individually to program the Crickets you will need a MIB510CA

Many applications in pervasive and sensor computing environments

are context-aware, benefitting from knowledge of their external

context, such as their location. Location may be specified as a

coordinate position in some coordinate system, a geographic space such

as a room or portion of a room, and as the orientation of a device

within some coordinate system. Examples of location-aware

applications that can be developed using Cricket including resource

discovery, human/robot navigation, physical/virtual computer games,

location-aware sensing, hospital/medical applications e.g., equipment

and patient tracking/monitoring, stream

migration, pose-aware applications like the software

Cricket is intended for use indoors or in urban areas where outdoor

systems like the Global Positioning System GPS don t work well.

It can provide distance ranging and positioning precision of between

1 and 3 cm, so applications that benefit from better accuracy that the

cellular E-911 services and GPS will also find Cricket useful.

Cricket is designed for low-power operation and can be used as a

location-aware sensor computing node running TinyOS, to which a

variety of sensors can be attached.

The best way to learn about the Cricket Technology is to check out the

In a nutshell, Cricket uses a combination of RF and ultrasound technologies to

provide location information to attached host devices. Wall-

and ceiling-mounted beacons placed through a building

publish information on an RF channel. With each RF advertisement,

the beacon transmits a concurrent ultrasonic pulse.

Listeners attached to devices and mobiles

listen for RF signals, and upon receipt of the first few bits, listen

for the corresponding ultrasonic pulse. When this pulse arrives, the listener

obtains a distance estimate for the corresponding beacon by taking advantage

of the difference in propagation speeds between RF speed of light and

ultrasound speed of sound. The listener

runs algorithms that correlate RF and ultrasound

samples the latter are simple pulses with no data encoded on them

and to pick the best correlation. Even in the presence of several competing

beacon transmissions, Cricket achieves good precision and accuracy quickly.

In addition to determining spaces and estimating position coordinates,

Cricket provides an indoor orientation capability via the Cricket compass.

This facility is not yet commercially available it is a research prototype

A Cricket listener attaches to the host device using an RS232 serial

connection. The Cricket beacon and listener are identical hardware

A Cricket unit can function as either beacon or listener,

or can be used in a mixed mode in a

symmetric location architecture which may be apporpriate in some

You can attach a variety of sensors to a Cricket device

using the 51-pin connector on the Cricket.

We also have some research prototypes of Crickets with a Compact Flash CF

interface, which may be a more convenient form factor to attach to handhelds

and laptops than the RS232 interface. These devices may become widely

available in a few months. They will be software- and protocol-compatible

with the RS232 version. The picture below shows what the current CF device

looks like; this design is likely to change.

Cricket uses active beacons and

passive listeners, which has two significant benefits.  First, it

is not a tracking system where a centralized controller or database

receives transmissions from users and devices and tracks them. 

Second, it scales well as the number of devices increases; a system

with active transmitters attached to devices wouldn t scale particularly well with the density of instrumented

devices.  Third, its decentralized architecture makes the system

We ve been deploying Cricket. Below, on the left, is a

picture of its deployment in a room on the

9th floor of MIT s CSAIL in the Stata Center

click on the picture for a bigger image. Below, in the middle,

is a picture of an older deployment in CSAIL s old home in Tech Square. On the right is a picture of a deployment from CSAIL s graphics lab in Tech Square.

Various groups at MIT have developed

applications and systems using Crickets.

The following links are to video clips or pictures of some of these applications.

These links are roughly in inverse chronological order.

People currently working on the Cricket project include:

Past contributors to Cricket include Roshan Baliga MEng, Anit

Chakraborty MEng, Albert Lin UROP, Nikos Michalakis MEng, Jorge

Rafael Nogueras SM, Kevin Wang MEng, Mike Whitaker UROP

These papers are in chronological order.

Seth Teller, Kevin Chen, Hari Balakrishnan, Pervasive Pose-Aware Applications and Infrastructure, IEEE Computer Graphics and

Applications, July/August 2003.

This paper describes early experience with some applications of the

Cricket compass done with two or more standard Crickets, rather than

with an integrated compass device.

Hari Balakrishnan, Roshan Baliga, Dorothy Curtis, Michel Goraczko,

Allen Miu, Nissanka B. Priyantha, Adam Smith, Ken Steele, Seth Teller, Kevin

Wang, Lessons from Developing and Deploying the

Cricket Indoor Location System, November 2003. Preprint.

This paper describes the lessons learned from Cricket v1 and how Cricket

v2 s design builds on these lessons.

Cricket v2 User Manual, July 2004.

The Cricket Indoor Location System

PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute

An Ultrasonic Compass for Context-Aware Mobile Applications

M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute

Rapid Coordinate System Creation and Mapping Using Crickets

Location-aware Access Control for Pervasive Computing Environments

Design and Implementation of an

Indoor Mobile Navigation System

SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of

Winner of a Masterworks Award, May

A Stream Redirection Architecture

for Pervasive Computing Environments

Providing Precise Indoor Location

Information to Mobile Devices

Technology, January 2001. Postscript

A Distributed Architecture for

Mobile, Location-Dependent Applications

Some experiments conducted using Cricket v1. Cricket v2 performs significantly better, so these numbers are unlikely to be useful any more.

Some experiments conducted using the second version of Cricket. More data is forthcoming.

Mobile Positioning Measurements zip file 310 kB

We are grateful to Acer Inc., Delta Electronics Inc., HP Corp., NTT Inc.,

Nokia Research Center, and Philips Research for their funding of the

Cricket project under the MIT Project Oxygen partnership.

We thank the National Science Foundation for funding Cricket under an ITR,

Scalable Location Aware Monitoring.

We thank NTT Inc. for having funded Cricket in the past under the

NTT-MIT research collaboration.

We also thank Analog Devices, Inc. for their kind donation of

electronic components and sensor devices.

NMS HomeProjectsPeoplePapersSoftware

M. I. T. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 32 Vassar Street Cambridge, MA 02139 USA.

The Cricket Indoor Location System

Intel Wimax 5150 Driver Windows Xp

Intel Wireless WiMAX/WiFi 5150 and 5350 for Windows XP - ThinkPad intel wimax 5150 driver windows xp

Support Home Drivers Software Search downloads. Linux driver for multiple Intel wireless Intel PROSet/Wireless WiMAX Connection Utility for Windows XP.

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Intel WiMAX/WiFi Link 5350 and Intel WiMAX/WiFi Link 5150 that supports legacy and 802.11a/b/g/n features on Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows.

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Intel Wireless WiMAX/WiFi 5150 and 5350

Ver. 1.05.2000/ 5.10.1046.3/ 5.10.1046.3

MD5: e0bc340213d91b95574973ae6cfe7e0e

SHA1: f6c995ef1642b4b0bd130d57854f6f585848a9cc

SHA-256: 19722f0b59737f6ee7c6a3f554de6a67eed59958bde3b4facf9f2646c4f7c43e

This package installs the software WiMAX driver and function driver to enable the following device..

- Intel R Wireless WiMAX Link 5150

- Intel R Wireless WiMAX Link 5350

- Intel R Wireless WiMAX Link Function Driver

- SL300, SL400, SL400c, SL410,SL500, SL500c, SL510

- X200, X200s, X200 Tablet 1, X301

- Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, Professional

- Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005

- 1: Supports Intel WiMAX/WiFi Link 5350 only.

- If this package has been installed, updating overwrite-installing this package will fix problems, add new functions, or expand functions as noted below.

- This program is language independent and can be used with any language system.

Build ID for administrative purpose

New New function or enhancement

Fix Correction to existing function

New Initial release after integrating the following packages.

Intel WiMAX for Intel WiMAX/WiFi Link 5150 6JWC21WW

Intel WiMAX for Intel WiMAX/WiFi Link 5350 6JWC04WW

New Added support for Intel WiMAX/WiFi Link 5350.

New Added support for ThinkPad T400, T500, W500, W700, W700ds, X200s, X200 Tablet.

Fix Corrected a mistake where ThinkPad X200 Tablet supported Intel WiMAX/ WiFi Link 5150. ThinkPad X200 Tablet supports Intel WiMAX/WiFi Link 5350 only.

Fix Fixed an issue where online activation of UQ WiMAX might fail upon WiMAX connection.

Please refer to the README file under the File details section for a complete list of changes fixed by this driver update.

Note: Make sure that the following driver prerequisite were installed on your system before installing this driver

If your computer runs satisfactorily now, it may not be necessary to update the software. To determine if you should update the software, refer to the Version Information section.

This section assumes to use Internet Explorer and Explorer.

Click once on the underlined file name with the left mouse button. Once this is done, some pop-up windows will appear.

Follow the instructions on the screen.

In the window to choose Run or Save, click the Save button.

Choose the folder you would like to download the file to and click the Save button. A different window will appear and the download will begin and complete. Once the download has completed, there may or may not be a message stating that the download completed successfully.

Make sure to be logged on with administrative account.

Locate the directory where the file was downloaded.

Locate the file that was downloaded and double-click it.

In the Select Destination Location window, click Next. If you would like to select a different folder, click Browse.

In the Ready to Install window, click Install. All the necessary files will be extracted to the folder selected in the step 9.

Make sure the checkbox next to Install. . now is checked and click Finish.

Follow the instructions on the screen.

If you use ThinkVantage Access Connections, Intel PROSet/Wireless component needs to be installed as pre-selected during the above procedure.

Follow the instructions on the screen to complete installation and restart the computer.

Finally delete the file saved in Step 4.

Note: This procedure is intended for system administrators only.

Refer to the Manual Install section, and download and extract the file.

In the step 11 of the Installing files section, uncheck the checkbox next to Install. . now, and then click Finish to cancel installation.

At the command line, execute Autorun.exe with the -QN option.

Example: Path where the files were extracted Autorun /QN

If winlogon.exe error or any problem occurs after uninstalling the software, re-install any version of the software for problem solving.

Start Windows and log on with administrative account.

Click Start, then click Control Panel.

Select Add or Remove Programs..

Select Intel R PROSet/Wireless WiMax Software, and click Remove or Change/Remove.

Follow the instructions on the screen to complete uninstallation and restart the computer.

Start Windows and logon with an administrator account.

Type Path where the files were extracted Autorun.exe and click OK.

Example: Path where the files were extracted Autorun.exe

Select Add or Remove Programs.

Select Intel R PROSet/Wireless WiMAX Software, then click Click here for support information.

Right-click My Computer, then click Properties.

Click the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager.

Double-click the Network adapters category.

Double-click any of the following devices:

Intel R Wireless WiMax Link 5150

Intel R Wireless WiMAX Link 5350

Double-click Intel R Wireless WiMAX Link Function Driver.

The following versions have been released to date. Access Connections for each of those versions are also available.

5150/5350 : Intel Wireless WiMAX Link 5150/5350 Driver

Function Driver: Intel Wireless WiMAX Link Function Driver device

ThinkVantage Access Connections will not work if Windows XP Software Network Bridge connection is created.

To recover the ThinkVantage Access Connections function:

Start Windows XP and logon with administrative privileges.

Click Start, select Settings, click Control Panel, then click Network Connections.

Confirm that the following Device Name belongs to Network Bridge.

Intel R Wireless WiMax Link 5150

Intel R Wireless WiMAX Link 5350

Right-click its Name Wireless Network Connection.

Confirm that it belongs to LAN or High-Speed Internet.

Right-click its Name again and click Properties.

The Wireless Network connection Properties tab will open and under the General tab, Check at WLAN Transport.

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Drivers and utilities for motherboard Intel D865PCK: You can find all the available drivers, utilities, software, manuals, firmware and the BIOS in the Motherboard.

Audio: Realtek AC97 Audio Driver

Integrated audio driver for Intel Desktop Boards with AC 97 processing with the RealTek codec. WHQL certified

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Installs the LAN driver version 11.2 for Intel Desktop Boards with the Intel PRO Network Connection.

Windows XP Media Center Edition

This download record provides four options for updating the BIOS of the Intel Desktop Board D865PCK.

LAN: Intel LAN Driver for Linux

Linux LAN driver for Intel Desktop Boards with Intel 10/100 LAN.

LAN: Intel PRO Network Connections Driver for D865PCK

Integrated LAN driver for Intel Desktop Boards with the Intel PRO 10/100 Network Connections for Desktop.

Chipset: INF Update Utility for 848, 865, 875, 910, 915, 925 Chipset-Based Intel Desktop Boards

Installs the INF files that inform the operating system how to properly configure the chipset for specific functionality such as USB.

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PDF version of Intel Platform Administration Technology Hardware Software Compatibility Document.

Intel Platform Administration Technology Software

Intel R software solution used with Intel R PAT enabled ECS motherboard ECS 945PL-A which support Intel R Platform Administration Technology.

Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition

High Speed USB USB 2.0 driver to provide high speed USB functionality on Intel desktop boards.

Audio: Intel AC97 INTEL8X0-ALSA-1.0.1.SH.GZ

Linux audio driver for Intel Desktop Boards with AC97 audio.

Linux LAN driver for Intel Desktop Boards with Intel 1000 LAN.

MLP Report Archives for Intel Desktop Boards

This zipped archive contains MLP reports Motherboard Logo Program for discontinued Intel Desktop Boards.

Windows 7 Driver Availability for Discontinued Intel Desktop Boards

The discontinued Intel Desktop Boards listed below do not have Windows 7 support.

D865PCK Product Documentation Manuals

Product manuals, specifications and other documentation for the Intel Desktop Board D865PCK

Four methods for updating your Intel Desktop Board s BIOS version.

Three methods for updating your Intel Desktop Board s BIOS version.

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  • Intel D865PCK Desktop Motherboard Drivers Download. This site maintains the list of Intel Drivers available for Download. Just browse our organized database and.
  • Integrated LAN driver for Intel Desktop Boards with the Intel PRO 10/100 Network Connections for Desktop.
  • We have a direct link to download Intel D865PCK drivers, firmware and other resources directly from the Intel site. To protect our site from spammers you will.
  • Intel D865PCK BIOS drivers for free download. This page contains a list of different drivers for the selected device. Please read the description of each file and.

Patch Of Grey Hair In Beard

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Why does stacy london have once patch gray hair. Cause of white hair in beard. What would cause white patches of hair in my beard.

How To Prevent Grey Hair on a Beard. Allergy Patch Test. Clean a small area of your skin on the inner bend of your elbow with soap and water.

patch of grey hair in beard small grey circular patch in beard, appeared after a couple days!!
  • Communities Dermatology small grey circular patch in beard, appeared after a couple a patch of grey hair and small grey circular patch in beard, appeared.
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What causes premature graying of hair on beard. hi doctor i am 27 years old and today i found 2 hairs turned grey in my beard. i am in a kind of shock.

Im 29 year old healthy male, play sports etc but i am quite stressed due to university exams and general life worries,haren t we all. I have long brown hair on my head no grey hair anywhere and none at all in my full beard either.

HOWEVER, last week i noticed about 6 grey/white hairs when i shaved all bunched together. looking at it from a distance when it was stubble it looked like i had a patch in my beard. I believe it is NOT alopeica barbae, as there IS hair here, but it is pure white/grey. I thought if it was going grey normally one,maybe two strands/stubble scattered around my face would start to go grey.. but this is a small patch, the size of my baby finger thumbnail jsut up from my chin, It just came on over a couple days. Very father is 63 and his hair on his head is only starting to go grey recently.

I dont know what it is. Will the pigmentation grow back. Is it from stress. Is it medically cured.

The various causes for premature graying of hair are genetics or hereditary factors, malnutrition and a diet deficient in vit B, smoking, thyroid disease, stress and anxiety, unclean condition of the scalp, drying it with an electric dryer and use of hair dyes. Take a healthy nutritious diet and some vitamin B supplements for some days. If the symptoms persist then please get it evaluated from a dermatologist.

It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your dermatologist. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

Thanks very much for your reply, very kind of you.

Out of the options that you said the only one that id be able to relate to is maybe the stress factor. My diet is fine, i do use hair dryer but i have used that for years now with no problems. I might start taking Vit B multi-vitamen to see if that helps.

Its just a really small area,by my chin that has suddenly turned grey/white. a whole bunch of hairs, about 6 of them. From a distance when the hair is shaved it looks like a patch, but i dont know what on earth this could be. It must be some auto-immune deficiency.

I really really hope that the problem goes away, if it doesnt go away or if it gets worse i will go to the doctor. I will keep you posted.

I have exactly the same situation, am also 29, grey hair patch on chin which appears smooth in comparison to surrounding stubble and was wondering how yours turned out in the end. Did you see a dermatologist and did vit B help.

i am also suffering from the same problem.. and i am also quite stressed due to my job and my university exam. i dont play and dont make friends..But my age is 25 now..i am in pakistan. i consulted many doctors.. some say this is alopecia. and some say this is vitiligo.. But i am not satisfied..

this is on the left side of my chin.. i have been suffering from this problem almost 6 months. As you told, a patch of grey hair and the colour of the skin is also white.. when closely shaved one can see a white patch on my chin..

I am so worried about this. . please tell me mr jon it is cured or not.

Please someone help me on this topic..

I just had this same thing pop up in Oct 2013.  I had a beard that was probably and inch long and noticed a few grey hairsnbd right.I m pushing 30.  Buzzed it down to a 2 guard on the trimmerand it was the size of a quarter.  I m also an athlete, 50 miles a week running, lifting as wellstressed at grad school and have a 1.5 year old.

The spot when shaved looks sort of pinkish when it s shaved all the way down and the hair comes back very thin and white.  I was told to try an anti fungal that didn t worknow they are telling me to try an antibiotic ointment.  I ll give the vitamin B a shot.  Let me know if anyone figures anything out.  I miss my beard.

i am also having the same problem on my chin.. tommorrow i am going to meet a specialist.. and then i will let you know.. what do you think is it alopecia or it is vitiligo.

You please keep in touch with me..

I went to the dermatologist this morning, they said it is vitiligo.  I ve been prescribed a topical steroid ointment that I m supposed to try for 6 weeks.  I ll let you know how it goes.  Hopefully it works.

Tried the topical steroid for 6 weeks, and the spot changed shapesbut I wouldn t say it got any smaller.  Going back in for a follow up appointment on 01/22/2014.

Hope you re having better luck.

I also have the same started when I was about 18 and it was smaller then my pinky nail but now I m 23 and it s as big as my I an say it gets begged with time and no I haven t gone to a doctor but I feel fine.

Message exceeded the 8000 character limit

Grey not bald patches in beard. patches of white hair on my beard. you can go grey at any time in your life. two guys at work.

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Hardware Vendors: Contact Wacom Technology Corp. to receive Wintab sample code and discuss driver devel opment arrangements. Wintab Information Contacts.

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Only Wintab-compatible digitizers are supported with AutoCAD for digitizer tablets. You need to obtain and install a Wintab driver.

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SHA1: f51761a0575ad8b7bd7c1c93e5a59b4f8fbf84a0

SHA-256: 5514893db73216b73f37019d37f3f6f14a9597908d024982c0dc24f6caf4025d

MD5: 0ca41a44238dde7b36e06d25fb5062ee

SHA1: 722d37be2f80acf75f0b3ae006d1edd9190813dc

SHA-256: 4c99de14d248e66d74e53f6bc7f4307ce334ba3031cea0f81a461ec3de9078c8

This package installs the software WinTab Driver to enable the following device and the Pen Pressure Sensitivity funciton.

Microsoft Windows 8.1  32-bit, 64-bit

Microsoft Windows 8  32-bit, 64-bit

Microsoft Windows 7  32-bit, 64-bit

New New function or enhancement

Fix Correction to existing function

New Initial release for ThinkPad Helix Type 3xxx, Tablet 2.

If your computer runs satisfactorily now, it may not be necessary to update the software. To determine if you should update the software, refer to the Version Information section.

This section assumes to use Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer.

Select the underlined file name. Once this is done, some pop-up windows will appear.

Follow the instructions on the screen.

In the window to choose Run or Save, click Save.

Choose the folder you would like to download the file to and click Save.

A different window will appear and the download will begin and complete. Once the download has completed, there may or may not be a message stating that the download completed successfully.

Make sure to be logged on with an administrator account.

Locate the folder where the file was downloaded.

Locate the file that was downloaded and double-click it.

In the Select Destination Location window, click Next. If you would like to select a different folder, click Browse.

In the Ready to Install window, click Install. All the necessary files will be extracted to the folder selected in the step 9.

Make sure the checkbox next to Install. . now is checked and click Finish.

Follow the instructions on the screen to complete installation and restart the computer.

Finally delete the file saved in the step 4.

This is for system administrators use only.

Refer to the Manual Install section, and download and extract the file.

In the step 11 of the Installing files section, uncheck the checkbox next to Install. . now, and then select Finish to cancel installation.

At the command line, execute setup.exe with the -s option.

Example: Path where the files were extracted setup -s

Hold down the Windows logo key and press X to open a menu at the lower-left area of the screen.

Select Programs and Features from the menu.

Check the product version in the Details Pane shown at the bottom of screen. If not shown, select Organize, select Layout, then select Details Pane.

From the Start screen, select Desktop.

Swipe in from the right edge of the touchscreen to display the charm bar.

Select Start, then select Control Panel.

Make sure View by Category is selected, and select Uninstall a program.

Select Organize, select Layout, then select Details Pane. The Details Pane will be shown at the bottom of screen.

Check the product version in the Details Pane.

Hold down the Windows logo key and press X to open a menu at the lower-left  area of the screen.

Select Device Manager from the menu.

Double-click the Human Interface Devices category.

Double-tap the Human Interface Devices category.

Right-click/Press and hold Computer, and then select Properties.

At the left pane, select Device Manager.

Double-click/Double-tap the Human Interface Devices category.

Double-click/Double-tap Wacom Device.

Wintab Drivers The Logic Group s Wintab Installation Wizard. The Wintab driver is a windows driver provided by the tablet manufacturers to communicate.

Driver installation. Click on the Download link and save the file to your computer. If you are upgrading from a previous Wacom driver version.

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Biggest Serial Killer In The Us

Famous American serial killers list oldest couple ever sentenced to death in the United States at the ages of 75 and 69; serial killer from Poughkeepsie.

For here on the list of America s most famous serial serial killer from the US is a collection of some Kansas, United States of America;.

Video embedded  These are the 25 of the most evil serial killers of Edmund Kemper is an American serial killer and necrophile who carried out a Follow Us. Facebook;.

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10 Worst Serial Killers 10. South Africa s most infamous serial killer and perpetrator of what were known as the ABC Murders due to the fact that.

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Who are the 10 worst serial killers in the US. history. the most prolific serial killer in the history of the united states was Dr. H. H. Holmes. he built.

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24 rows  List of serial killers by number of victims Long Island serial killer.

Jul 29, 2006  a declaration that if confirmed would make him one of the biggest serial biggest serial killer in US biggest serial killer.

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This list is subject to the Biographies of living persons lists policy and the lists of people guideline. Please familiarize yourself with both before editing this list. In addition, note that a reliable source that states the person is a serial killer from the United States of America must be provided for any new entry.

This is a list of notable serial killers from the United States of America.

See also: List of serial killers by country

Jesse Pomeroy: also known as The Boy Torturer ; Convicted of murdering two small children in Boston, Massachusetts

Charles Albright: also known as The Eyeball Killer ; convicted of murdering three prostitutes in Dallas, Texas; sentenced to life imprisonment in 1994

Rodney Alcala: also known as The Dating Game Killer ; convicted rapist and serial killer

Howard Arthur Allen: killed three elderly people, as well as assault, burglary, and arson.

Richard Angelo: Also known as The Angel of Death. New York nurse convicted of 4 murders, linked to 6 other deaths. Suspected of killing up to 25 people.

Amy Archer-Gilligan: poisoned a husband and four of her nursing home s residents with arsenic or strychnine in Windsor, Connecticut in the 1910s; total could possibly be 48 to 60.

Benjamin Atkins: also known as The Woodward Corridor Killer ; mission-oriented killer who raped and strangled eleven women in Highland Park, MI in 1991 and 1992

Joe Ball: also known as The Alligator Man ; killed at least 20 women in the early 20th century in Texas

Velma Barfield: two husbands and two boyfriends died mysteriously with two proving to be arsenic poisoning; confessed to killing three more including her mother

Herb Baumeister: suspected of killing 20 men along I-70; fled and committed suicide after remains of 11 were found on his Westfield, Indiana property

Bloody Benders: family who killed guests at their inn in Labette County, Kansas in 1872

Robert Berdella: convicted of killing six men in 1988 in Kansas City, Missouri; sexually tortured and dismembered his victims

David Berkowitz: also known as Son of Sam ; convicted of killing 6 people in New York City in 1976-1977

Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono, Jr.: also known as The Hillside Strangler ; killers of 12 women and possibly involved in three other killings

Richard Biegenwald: convicted of killing five people in the early 1980s in the Asbury Park, New Jersey area; suspected in at least six other murders

Jake Bird: Sentenced to death for the murders of two people; confessed to 44 other murders.

Arthur Gary Bishop: Utah man who murdered five young boys; executed in 1988

Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris: kidnapped, tortured, raped and murdered five girls in 1979

Terry Blair: Kansas City serial killer and rapist; active 1982–2004

William Bonin: also known as The Freeway Killer ; with several accomplices, claimed the lives of 20 boys in California

Dallen Bounds: killed two strangers, his girlfriend and her ex-husband in 1999

Gary Ray Bowles: beat and strangled six men to death to steal their credit cards in 1994

Briley Brothers: three brothers and an accomplice responsible for 11 murders in the 1970s in Richmond, Virginia

Jerry Brudos: also known as The Lust Killer and Shoe Fetish Slayer ; killed at least 4 women in Oregon

Judy Buenoano: poisoned her husband, boyfriend and son with arsenic in the 1970s; drowned the son in 1980 but caught in 1983 after poisoning and car bombing a fiancee

Ted Bundy: law student who raped and murdered more than 35 women in six states; escaped from prison twice before being executed in 1989

Ricardo Caputo: also known as The Lady Killer ; strangled 4 women across North America in the 1970s becoming one of the FBI 10 Most Wanted

Harvey Carignan: also known as The Want-Ad Killer ; raped and beat 4 young women to death in 1972 and 1973 having escaped hanging for a 1949 killing on a technicality

David Carpenter: also known as The Trailside Killer ; murdered 5 women on San Francisco-area hiking trails between 1979 and 1981

Michael Bear Carson and Suzan Carson: nomadic hippie killers involved in the counter-culture movement; suspects in 12 homicides; sentenced to life imprisonment for three San Francisco Bay Area murders in 1983

Richard Chase: also known as The Vampire of Sacramento ; murdered 6 people in California in the 1970s

Thor Nis Christiansen: Shot dead and committed necrophilia on 4 young women in Isla Vista, California in the late 1970s

Joseph Christopher: Also known as The Midtown Slasher ; killed 12 people, all but one of them African Americans, in 1980 and 1981, between upstate New York and Georgia, mutilating 2 of them.

Douglas Clark and Carol M. Bundy: also known as The Sunset Strip Killers ; killed at least 7 prostitutes during 1980.

Cynthia Coffman: Kidnapped 4 women by ATMs before accomplice James Gregory Marlow strangled them in five weeks in 1986.

Carroll Cole: Murdered a young boy and 6 women, suspected of a further 9 murders.

Alton Coleman: Multi-state killer who along with his accomplice murdered a man and injured another, murdered 4 women, 3 young girls and raped a young girl.

John Norman Collins: also known as The Co-Ed Killer ; Murdered 3 women and 3 young girls, beat his own sister very badly, had an obsession with mutilation and excessive gore.

Daniel Conahan: Was convicted of one murder, but was associated with more than a dozen of torture and murder. Date of murders: 1994 - 1996

Rory Enrique Conde: also known as The Tamiami Trail Strangler. Killed 6 prostitutes in Florida. Sentenced to death on March 7, 2000.

Ray and Faye Copeland: oldest couple ever sentenced to death in the United States at the ages of 75 and 69; convicted of killing 5 men; modus operandi was to hire unskilled drifters as farm hands and later kill them

Dean Corll and Elmer Wayne Henley: Along with David Owen Brooks, committed the Houston Mass Murders in the 1970s; abducted, raped, tortured and murdered 5 men and 25 young boys.

Juan Corona: California killer convicted of murdering 25 men in 1971

Tony Costa: Killed, dismembered and mutilated 4 women in Cape Cod in the late 1960s; linked to at least 4 other deaths and disappearances.

Richard Cottingham: also known as The Torso Killer ; convicted of murdering 6 women around New York City between 1967 and 1980.

Juan Covington: Shot and killed 2 men. Shot 2 other men.

Andre Crawford: Murdered 11 women between 1993 to 1999.

Charles Cullen: A nurse in New Jersey and Pennsylvania who killed as many as 40 patients through lethal injection

Jeffrey Dahmer: Milwaukee, Wisconsin cannibal who kept heads, skulls and body parts in his apartment for sexual gratification; murdered 4 men and 13 young boys. Dahmer was a known sex offender, he sexually abused and violated a young boy.

Thomas Dillon: Serial sniper who killed 5 men in southeastern Ohio between 1989 and 1992

Westley Allan Dodd: Raped and murdered three young boys in 1989; executed in 1993

Ronald Dominique: Confessed to raping and murdering at least 23 men in Louisiana; sentenced to eight life sentences in 2008

Nannie Doss: also known as The Giggling Granny and The Jolly Black Widow ; serial poisoner who killed 11 family members

Brian Dugan: convicted of murdering 2 girls and a woman between 1983 and 1985

Joseph E. Duncan III: Raped at least 17 young boys. Molested a young girl. Murdered; a man and 2 boys, woman and 2 young girls. Suspected of a murder of a young boy.

Paul Durousseau: Brutally raped and murdered 3 women, 2 of whom were pregnant and 1 young girl. May have killed while stationed in Germany with the Army

Edward Edwards: Shot a young couple in 1977 and stabbed and strangled another in 1980; died months prior to execution for shooting his foster son in 1996 insurance murder

Mack Ray Edwards: Molester. Murdered 2 young girls and 4 young boys. Claimed at one point to have killed as many as 18

Walter E. Ellis: also known as The Milwaukee North Side Strangler ; convicted of killing 7 prostitutes in Wisconsin between 1986 and 2007.

Scott Erskine: Convicted of raping and murdering a woman in 1989 and the torture-murders of 2 boys in 1993.

Felipe Espinosa: Killed two dozen people in the Colorado Territory during the summer of 1863.

Donald Leroy Evans: Murdered a young girl and two women. Suspected of another dozen murders but recanted confessions to over 70 more.

Gary Evans: antique thief who shot to death two shop owners and three accomplices who he suspected of stealing from him between 1985 and 1997

Richard Evonitz: abducted and killed 3 girls in Spotsylvania County, Virginia in 1996 and 1997

Larry Eyler: also known as The Interstate Killer ; convicted of murdering 2 young men and confessed to stabbing and mutilating 20 more in 1982 and 1983

Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck: also known as The Lonely Hearts Killers ; killed at least 3 women and 1 child in the 1940s but suspected in up to 20 murders in New York and Michigan

Albert Fish: also known as The Werewolf of Wisteria ; sadist and pedophile who cannibalized several children; convicted of one murder, confessed to 2 others, claimed to have molested 100 children

Wayne Adam Ford: also known as Wayward Wayne ; confessed to murdering four women; believed to have killed others

Bobby Jack Fowler: convicted of one murder, suspected of up to 20 more.

Kendall Francois: serial killer from Poughkeepsie, New York who targeted prostitutes; after strangling the women, he would store them in various crawl spaces in and around his home

Joseph Paul Franklin: racist serial killer who targeted interracial couples and attempted to assassinate Larry Flynt and Vernon Jordan; convicted of 11 murders and confessed to nine others; executed in 2013.

John Wayne Gacy: also known as The Killer Clown ; killer of at least 33 men and boys; kept bodies buried under his Chicago home; executed in 1994.

Gerald and Charlene Gallego: also known as The Gallego Sex Slaves Killers ; kidnapped, raped and killed victims in the late 1970s; most of them were teenagers

Carlton Gary: convicted of the murders of seven elderly women in Georgia

Donald Henry Peewee Gaskins: also known as The Meanest Man in America ; convicted of nine murders; confessed to more than 200; executed in 1991

Alfred Gaynor: Crack cocaine addict. Killed nine women in Massachusetts. Sentenced to life in prison on May 19, 2000.

Ed Gein: From La Crosse, Wisconsin; Ed Gein committed his crimes in Plainfield, Wisconsin; two known victims, one suspected victim, four missing persons; elements of Gein s life and crimes have inspired, at least in part, the novels/films Psycho and The Silence of the Lambs, and the movie The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Janie Lou Gibbs: Georgia poisoner who killed five family members

Bertha Gifford: found not guilty of three arsenic poisonings by reason of insanity and suspected of 14 other killings, mostly of children, in Missouri

Kristen Gilbert: also known as The Angel of Death ; nurse convicted of killing four by epinephrine injection

Sean Vincent Gillis: convicted of killing and mutilating seven women in Baton Rouge in competition with Derrick Todd Lee between 1994 and 2004

Lorenzo Gilyard: killed up to 13 prostitutes in the Kansas City area 1977 to 1993

Harvey Glatman: also known as The Lonely Hearts Killer ; Californian rapist and killer of three women; lured women to pose for bondage photographs ; executed in 1959

Billy Glaze: mission-oriented killer convicted of raping and murdering three Native American prostitutes in Minneapolis in 1986 and 1987

Billy Gohl: union official linked with the disappearances of over 40 sailors in Aberdeen, Washington in the early 20th century

Mark Goudeau: also known as The Baseline Killer ; convicted of nine murders in Phoenix, Arizona

David Alan Gore and Fred Waterfield: also known as The Killing Cousins ; connected to the murders of six females; Gore was executed in 2012 and Waterfield was sentenced to life imprisonment

Gwendolyn Graham and Cathy Wood: Michigan duo who murdered five elderly nursing home residents in their care and claimed to have killed another

Dana Sue Gray: convicted of murder of three elderly women and attempted murder of a fourth in California

Vaughn Greenwood: convicted of nine counts of murder, including eight of the Skid Row Slasher killings in southern California

Samuel Green: Robber and serial killer; executed in 1822.

Belle Gunness: Norwegian-born murder-for-profit killer who killed her suitors and children in Indiana

Anna Marie Hahn: German-born murder-for-profit killer who poisoned five elderly men; executed in 1938

William Hance: also known as The Forces Of Evil ; soldier who used the murders of Carlton Gary as an excuse for killing four women around military bases in 1977 and 1978

Robert Hansen: Alaskan baker who killed prostitutes at his cabin; convicted of four murders but confessed to the murder of 17 women and the kidnap and rape of another 30. Authorities believe there were many more. Their cases are still open.

Harpe Brothers: also known as Bloody Harpes ; Micajah Big Harpe 1768. – August 1799 and Wiley Little Harpe 1770. – January 1804, America s first known serial killers were credited with the murders of 40 men, women, and children.

Donald Harvey: also known as The Angel of Death ; hospital orderly; confessed to more than 80 mercy killings with 37 confirmed killings

Charles Ray Hatcher: convicted of two child murders in 1978 and 1982 having killed another in 1969; also stabbed to death a fellow inmate and another man 20 years apart

Dale Hausner: Convicted of killing 6 people in random drive-by shootings in 2006 in Phoenix, Arizona

Linda Hazzard: Attributed to 13 deaths which she claimed was medical treatment and was convicted of manslaughter in one death, in which she additionally forged the victim s will and stole her valuables.

William Heirens: also known as The Lipstick Killer ; confessed to three murders spanning from June 1945 to January 1946

Loren Herzog and Wesley Shermantine: also known as Speed Freak Killers ; California duo initially convicted of 7 murders, and suspected in the deaths of as many as 15 people from 1984 to 1999

Johann Otto Hoch: also known as The Stockyard Bluebeard ; German who married dozens of US women around the turn of the 20th century, before poisoning them with arsenic

Dr. H. H. Holmes: active from 1890 to 1894 during Chicago s 1893 World s Columbian Exposition; convicted of only one murder but definitively tied to at least eight more and confessed to a total of 27

Waneta Hoyt: New York woman who murdered her five children

Michael Hughes: killed six women and a schoolgirl in the South Los Angeles area between 1986 and 1993, including a Southside Slayer victim

Leslie Irvin: also known as Mad Dog ; convicted of killing six people in Indiana in the mid-1950s; his Supreme Court case set a precedent for fair trials of highly publicized defendants

Phillip Carl Jablonski: killed at least four women in California and Utah

Keith Hunter Jesperson: also known as The Happy Face Killer ; killed 8 women between 1990 and 1995

Martha Ann Johnson: convicted of smothering three of her children in Atlanta between 1977 and 1982

Milton Johnson: also known as the The Weekend Murderer killed 10 people

Vincent Johnson: also known as The Brooklyn Strangler ; a homeless crack addict who killed at least five prostitutes

Genene Jones: Texas pediatric nurse who poisoned infants in her care; convicted of only one murder but suspected of 10 or more others

John Joubert: also known as The Nebraska Boy Snatcher ; stabbed three children to death in 1982 and 1983

Joseph Kallinger: murdered three people and tortured four families with his 13-year-old son Michael.

Patrick Kearney: necrophiliac convicted of 21 murders in California and admitted to seven other murders

Edmund Kemper: also known as The Co-Ed Killer ; started killing when he was 15 years old in Santa Cruz, California; convicted of six murders and implicated in four others

Israel Keyes: 3 confirmed victims. Linked to 11 victims in 4 states. Committed suicide on December 2 2012

Scott Lee Kimball: also known as Joe Snitch ; FBI informant who pleaded guilty to two of at least four murders in Colorado including those of his uncle and three female acquaintances

Roger Kibbe also known as The I-5 Strangler, killed 7 women between 1977 and 1987

Tillie Klimek: Chicago woman who poisoned five husbands; sentenced to life imprisonment

Paul John Knowles: Child killer, rapist; murdered five young girls, seven women, two men

Anthony Kirkland killed 5 women between 1987 and 2009

Randy Steven Kraft: convicted of the murders of 16 young men and boys; suspected of 51 others in California

Timothy Krajcir: confessed to killing more than nine women five in Missouri and four others in Illinois and Pennsylvania

Peter Kudzinowski: killed children in New Jersey in the 1920s

Richard Kuklinski: American serial killer that joined the mafia as a contract killer for financial support.

Leonard Lake and Charles Ng: ex-Marines and survivalists; killed at least 11 people and suspected of 25 in Wilseyville, California; collected and murdered female sex slaves

Delphine LaLaurie: Tortured and maimed her slaves.

Derrick Todd Lee: also known as The Baton Rouge Serial Killer ; convicted of two murders; linked by DNA evidence to five others

Bobbie Joe Long: also known as The Classified Ad Rapist ; killed 10 women in Tampa Bay, Florida in 1984

Michael Lee Lockhart killed people in multi-state

Henry Lee Lucas: convicted of 11 murders and confessed to approximately 3,000 others, although most of his confessions are considered outlandish; a task force set up to investigate his claims suggested that the true number of his murders may be as high as 213

Orville Lynn Majors: nurse convicted of murdering six patients in Clinton, Indiana; suspected of 130 killings between 1993 and 1995

Richard Laurence Marquette: first 11th name on FBI 10 Most Wanted for killing, mutilating and dismembering a woman in 1961; killed two more with same MO upon 1973 release

Lee Roy Martin: also known as The Gaffney Strangler ; killed two women and two girls in South Carolina in 1967 and 1968

Rhonda Belle Martin: Alabama poisoner who murdered six family members; suspected of poisoning at least nine; executed in 1957

David Mason: strangled four elderly neighbours in 1980 and his cellmate in 1982 having been imprisoned on lesser charges; suspected of shooting dead his boyfriend

David Edward Maust: convicted of killing five teenage boys; one in Germany in 1974, another in 1981, and three he buried in his basement in Hammond, Indiana in 2003

Kenneth McDuff: also known as The Broomstick Killer ; death sentence for 1966 triple-murder commuted; killed three days after 1989 parole and ten further times in Waco, Texas until 1992; executed in 1998

David Meirhofer: killed three children and an ex-girlfriend between 1967 and 1974; first serial killer apprehended by offender profiling

Stephen Morin: killed three women and was suspected in over 30 unsolved crimes; executed in 1985

Frederick Mors: Austrian who killed 8 elderly patients by poisoning in New York

John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo. Also known as The Beltway Snipers. Spree killers who terrorized the Washington D.C. area with a series of sniper attacks.

Herbert Mullin: schizophrenic in Santa Cruz, California who killed people to prevent earthquakes; convicted of 10 murders and confessed to three others

Joseph Naso: killed four women in California, suspect in another 6; also considered a person of interest in the New York Alphabet murders 1 2

Robert Nixon: killed 5 women in the 1930s

Earle Nelson: also known as Gorilla Man ; necrophiliac convicted and hanged for one murder; implicated in about 20 others

Marie Noe: murdered eight of her children between 1949 and 1968

Gordon Northcott: also known as The Wineville Chicken Coop Murders ; California man who confessed to kidnapping, raping and murdering young boys with the aid of his mother, Sarah Louise Northcott in the 1920s; convicted of 3 murders, suspected of perhaps 20; executed in 1930

Carl Panzram: murderer, rapist and arsonist; convicted of two murders; confessed to 19 others; executed in 1930

Gerald Parker: also known as The Bedroom Basher raped and murdered five women and killed the unborn baby of a sixth woman in Orange County, California

Louise Peete: convicted of murdering a man and woman decades apart, four other acquaintances died suspiciously and four husbands committed suicide

Steven Brian Pennell: also known as The Corridor Killer ; convicted of torture-murdering two women, pleaded no contest to two more and suspected of a fifth in Delaware in 1987 and 1988

Christopher Peterson: also known as The Shotgun Killer, confessed to shooting seven people with a shotgun in a killing spree spanning from October 30, 1990 to December 18, 1990 in Indiana

Craig Price: also known as The Warwick Slasher ; teenager who stabbed two women and two children in Rhode Island in the late 1980s

Harry Powers; also known as The West Virginia Bluebeard killed two women and three children in 1931

Cleophus Prince Jr.: also known as The Clairemont Killer ; raped and killed six women in San Diego in 1990

Marion Albert Pruett: killed four women in three states; executed in 1999

Dorothea Puente: convicted of three killings in Sacramento, California during the 1980s; suspected of six others

Dennis Rader: also known as The BTK Killer ; killed ten people between 1974 and 1991 in Sedgwick County, Kansas

Richard Ramirez: also known as The Night Stalker ; terrorized Los Angeles in 1984 and 1985; convicted of 14 murders; died in prison 7 June 2013

David Parker Ray: convicted of rape and torture and sentenced to 224 years in prison; FBI believes he was responsible for the deaths of 60 women in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

Melvin Rees: also known as The Sex Beast ; shot and defiled a woman in 1957, torture-murdered a family of four in 1959 and suspected in four other killings

Paul Dennis Reid: killed seven people during armed robberies between February and April 1997

Ángel Maturino Reséndiz: killed nine people in Texas, Kentucky, and Illinois

Gary Ridgway: also known as The Green River Killer ; convicted of murdering 49 women in Washington state

Joel Rifkin: murdered 17 women in the New York City and Long Island areas

Harvey Miguel Robinson: teenager who stalked, raped and killed three women in Allentown, Pennsylvania in 1992 and 1993

John Edward Robinson: also known as The Cyber Sex Killer ; lured victims through the internet; convicted of murdering six women in Missouri and Kansas

Dayton Leroy Rogers: murdered at least six women in Oregon

Glen Edward Rogers: known as the Cross Country Killer and Casanova Killer. Rogers operated around the United States between 1995 and 1999

Danny Rolling: pleaded guilty to murdering five students in Florida; executed in 2006

Michael Bruce Ross: raped and murdered seven women in Connecticut; executed in 2005

Robert Rozier: former NFL player that confessed to seven murders while a member of the Nation of Yahweh.

Kimberly Clark Saenz: killed five patients by using syringes to inject bleach into their dialysis lines.

Efren Saldivar: respiratory therapist who killed six patients, possibly as many as 120

Altemio Sanchez: also known as The Bike Path Rapist ; responsible for three murders and numerous rapes spanning a 25-year period in Buffalo, New York; currently serving three consecutive 75 years-to-life sentences for the murder

Gerard John Schaefer: Florida police officer who killed up to 34 women and girls

Charles Schmid: also known as The Pied Piper of Tucson ; murdered three teenage girls in 1964 and 1965 and buried them in the desert

Heriberto Seda: New York City copycat killer of the Zodiac Killer active from 1990 to 1993; convicted of shooting eight individuals, killing three; sentenced to life imprisonment in 1998

Tommy Lynn Sells: convicted of only one murder; admitted to murdering dozens of people across the United States, possibly in excess of 70 although only six are confirmed; executed in 2014

Arthur Shawcross: also known as The Genesee River Killer ; convicted of 12 murders; confessed to one more

Lydia Sherman: poisoned four husbands and seven children.

Anthony Allen Shore: also known as The Tourniquet Killer ; convicted of strangling a woman with an unusual ligature in 1992 and confessed to killing three girls including two with same MO

Robert Shulman: convicted of murdering five prostitutes between 1991 and 1996

Daniel Lee Siebert: convicted of 1979 manslaughter; killed nine people across America in three months in mid-1980s including two children and a Southside Slayer victim

Robert Joseph Silveria, Jr.: also known as Sidetrack ; freight train rider convicted of beating to death four fellow transients in 1995 and confessed to dozens more

Lemuel Smith: confessed to the murders of five people, including an on-duty female prison guard

Morris Solomon Jr.: handyman who killed six young women between 1986 and 1987 in Sacramento, California

Lyda Southard: first and fourth husbands typhoid deaths due to arsenic; first husband s brother poisoned and daughter died; two other husbands died of flu

Anthony Sowell: also known as The Cleveland Strangler and The Imperial Avenue Murderer ; convicted of raping and murdering 11 women between 2007 and 2009, leaving their bodies in his house in Cleveland

Timothy Wilson Spencer: also known as The Southside Strangler ; raped and killed five women in Virginia between 1984 and 1987

Jack Owen Spillman: also known as The Werewolf Butcher ; killed two girls and the mother of one of them in Washington State in 1994 and 1995

Edward Spreitzer: also known as The Chicago Rippers ; as part of a satanic cult, raped and mutilated at least four women and also killed a man in Chicago

Gerald Stano: convicted murderer of 41 women; executed in 1998

Cary Stayner: killed four women in Yosemite, California

Paul Michael Stephani: also known as The Weepy-Voiced Killer ; killed 3 women in the cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota

William Suff: also known as The Riverside Prostitute Killer ; killed 12 women near Riverside, California

Michael Swango: physician and surgeon who poisoned over 30 of his patients and colleagues

James Swann: also known as The Shotgun Stalker ; schizophrenic who killed four people in drive-by shootings in Washington, D.C. in 1993 because he heard the voice of Malcolm X

Joseph Taborsky: Joseph Mad Dog Taborsky was sentenced to death after a string of brutal robberies and murders in Connecticut during the 1950s.

John Floyd Thomas, Jr.: also known as The Southland Strangler and The Westside Rapist ; convicted of raping and murdering seven elderly women in Los Angeles between 1972 and 1986 and suspected of 10-15 more

Ottis Toole: Henry Lee Lucas accomplice; convicted of six murders in Florida; confessed to but never tried for Adam Walsh s murder

Jane Toppan: nurse and lust murderer who poisoned at least 31 patients and relatives in Massachusetts up to the turn of the 20th century

Maury Travis: St. Louis area torture killer of 12–17 prostitutes from 2000 to 2002

Chester Turner: convicted of murdering ten women and a viable unborn baby in South Los Angeles between 1987 and 1998

Abdul Latif Sharif: raped and murdered women in the USA and Mexico

Henry Louis Wallace: Charlotte, North Carolina killer of at least nine young women from 1992 to 1994

Faryion Wardrip: killed five young women around Wichita Falls, Texas between 1984 and 1986

Karl F. Warner: convicted of murdering three teenage girls, in two separate incidents between 1969–1971, in the San Francisco Bay Area communities of San Jose and Saratoga

Coral Eugene Watts: convicted of two murders; admitted to killing 80 people in Texas and Michigan; possibly guilty of 100 murders. Died of prostate cancer only eight days after going to prison

Nathaniel White: convicted of stabbing to death six women in the Hudson Valley, New York area from 1991 to 1992

Christopher Wilder: also known as The Beauty Queen Killer ; millionaire Australian realtor who killed eight women in seven weeks in 1984

Scott Williams: killed and mutilated three women between 1997 and 2006

Wayne Williams: convicted of two murders; police claim his arrest solved 23 in the string of 28 Atlanta Child Murders

Shirley Winters: confessed in 2008 to killing 2 children; suspected of killing her two older children in a 1979 fire and suspected in a separate fire that killed three children of a friend in 1979.

Randall Woodfield: also known as The I-5 Killer and The I-5 Bandit ; convicted of one murder and linked by DNA to six others; believed responsible for an additional 14 murders

Aileen Wuornos: shot six men dead in Florida; executed in 2002

Robert Lee Yates: murdered at least 16 women in Spokane County, Washington

Robert Zarinsky: killed people between 1958 and 1974

Unidentified Serial Killers edit

This is a list of unidentified serial killers. It includes circumstances where a suspect has been charged, but not convicted.

Also known as The Double Initial Murders ; murders of three young girls in the Rochester, New York area during the early 1970s.

Poisonings of ten patients at the Veteran s Administration Hospital in 1975s.

Mystery murderer s of fifteen Atlanta women in 1911.

1960s deaths of 13 women five young, eight older, mostly with their own stockings as ligature. Albert DeSalvo confessed to the murders, but was never indicted; DNA evidence has recently suggested his guilt in one of the cases

Murders of five boys in Manhattan in 1972 and 1973. A mental patient confessed to one slashing death. Four stabbings also involving mutilation remain unsolved

Raped and strangled seven mostly elderly women in Cincinnati, Ohio between 1965 and 1966

Also known as The Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run ; responsible for 12–13 murders in the Cleveland, Ohio area in the 1930s

Believed to have murdered at least eight people in Virginia between 1986 and 1989; left three couples dead and one couple missing and presumed dead.

Connecticut River Valley Killer

Stabbed at least six women to death in New England in the 1980s, severely injured one 1

Murdered four, possibly five, women in Daytona Beach, Florida between 2005 and 2007

Sketched then stabbed to death 14 gay men in San Francisco in the 1970s

Killed at least four victims in October and November of 2006 in Atlantic City, NJ. Each was placed about sixty feet apart in a ditch filled with shallow water. They were facing east and missing their socks. 2

Edgecombe County Serial Killer

Murders of nine women and disappearance of another since 2005 around Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Antwan Pittman has been convicted in one case

Allegedly responsible for nine murders in the Frankford neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Leonard Christopher was convicted of one murder; another murder was committed in same style while he was incarcerated; believed to still be at large

Raped and strangled six young women and girls in Washington, D.C. in the early 1970s, dumping their bodies by freeways

Known as the Grim Sleeper for the alleged 14-year hiatus he took from murdering between 1988 and 2002. Shot and strangled his victims, mostly women, around South Los Angeles. Also known as The Strawberry murders ; one man has been charged after DNA evidence linked him with ten murders in Los Angeles since 1985.

Known as the San Mateo slasher ; five unsolved killings, of young women in San Mateo County, California during early 1976.

Raped and strangled five young women in Hawaii in 1985 and 1986

The bodies of eight women were found in swamps and canals surrounding Jennings, Louisiana. Originally thought to be a serial killer, but multiple suspects may be involved.

Suspected of killing eight women, a man and a child since 1996 and dumping their bodies along remote beaches in Suffolk and Nassau County, New York. The killer has been referred to as the Gilgo Beach killer because of the location where the first bodies were found.

Also known as the Hollywood Ripper ; murdered at least 3 people including Ashton Kutcher s former girlfriend Ashley Ellerin

Suspected American serial killer from East Cleveland, Ohio who is currently being held in custody as a suspect in at least three murders.

Murders of nine women and disappearance of two others between 1988 and 1989

Also known as The Babysitter ; responsible for the murders of four or more children in Oakland County, Michigan in 1976 and 1977

Also known as The East Area Rapist ; killer and rapist who murdered ten people in Southern California from 1979 through 1986

Believed to have committed the Texarkana Moonlight Murders in Texas between February 23 and May 4, 1946

Series of unsolved homicides believed to have been committed by an unidentified serial killer in Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi and Pennsylvania.

A series of at least seven unsolved homicides involving female hitchhikers that took place in Sonoma County and Santa Rosa of the North Bay area of California in 1972 and 1973

Also known as The Austin Axe Murderer ; responsible for at least seven murders in Austin, Texas between 1884 and 1885

Theoretical serial killer s thought by some sources 4 to have drowned college-aged young men across the northern part of the country since 1997; most experts suggest that the deaths were accidental

Since the early 1970s roughly 30 bodies have been extracted from the fields, mainly consisting of young girls. May have been the work of multiple killers. Convicted murderer Edward Harold Bell, 72 years old in November 2011, claimed in a letter to police in 1998 to have murdered 11 girls in Galveston County. Kevin Edison Smith was sentenced to life imprisonment for one of the murders in 2012.

Confessed to the murders of at least seven women.

Remains of 11 women, who disappeared between 2003 and 2005, found buried in desert in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 2009 and attributed to a bone collector

Targeted young couples. Remains unsolved but open in the California jurisdictions the 5 certain Zodiac murders occurred. Potentially 37 total victims claimed but unverified.

Joseph Naso sentenced to death for California s Alphabet Murders

Serial killer Joseph Naso flips off jurors, victims families

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List of serial killers in the United States

36 rows  List of serial killers in the United States Please note: note that a.

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Download Acer PC Aspire M5711 driverHardware IDACPI AWY0001Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0191Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0193Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0194Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_019DChipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_019EChipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0400Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0401Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0402Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0403Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0404Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_040AChipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_040DChipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_040EChipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_040FChipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0420Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0421Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0422Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0423Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0424Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_042CChipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_042FChipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0600Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0601Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0602Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0604Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0605Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0606Chipset20.07PCI VEN_10DE DEV_0610Chipset20.07PCI 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NVIDIA Chipset Driver, v.6.14, 2009/01/14

NVIDIA Audio Driver, v., 2009/01/14

Realtek Audio Driver, v., 2009/01/14

ATI VGA Driver, v.8.631, 2010/03/10

NVIDIA VGA Driver, v.178.33, 2009/01/14

NVIDIA Chipset Driver, v.15.45, 2009/10/23

NVIDIA Chipset Driver For MCP7A, v.20.07, 2009/09/28

NVIDIA Chipset Driver For MCP7A, v.20.07, 2009/10/23.

driver acer aspire m5711

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Ati Radeon Rage 6 Sdr 32mb Driver

Free drivers for ATI Radeon 32MB SDR. Found 16 files. Please select the driver to download. Additionally, you can choose Operating System to see the drivers that.

Ati radeon rage 6 sdr 32mb driver. Ati radeon rage 6 sdr 32mb driver guardo cosa ho in merito. ED6900FD Raisin Upgrade ver3. ED6900FD Pimple Horner ver3.

Discussion in AMD Graphics Cards started by ddloyd, Feb 10, 2005.

I have a ATI RADEON PCI video card and on the back is a white sticker showing the name Rage 6 SDR 32mb. The Part number on the sticker is 1027570401 and when I use that number at ATI website it comes up as a RADEON 32MB SDR PCI VGA TVOUT NTSC with a BIOS part number 11375702101. Doing a little more research on ATI site I found that Rage 6 was the internal code name used for RADEON while it was in development. The video card has the name RADEON on both front and back of it also.

I installed the video card in a HP Pavilion 4550z computer and I downloaded the Win98 Graphic Driver for the RADEON Family which is the CATALYST 4.10 for RADEON 7000 through RADEON 9800 Series. When I went to install the driver it said my system wasn t supported and it wouldn t install. I then went into Windows Display Settings and selected to update the Standard PCI Adapter driver and selected to view a manufacturer s list and selected one of the two ATI lists and with the many many many video card names to select from there was not one for the RADEON 32mb SDR PCI and I seen about 5 with the name RADEON 7000 and I selected one. I then got a popup screen saying this driver wasn t writen for your video card, do you still want to proceed and I selected yes. The driver installed and it worked but it did not add the ATI Utility Tabs in the Display Properties Settings Advanced screen or any ATI icon on my desktop taskbar.

I must say I have used ATI video cards in the past and they were a headache back then and still seem to be now. Just trying to find out exactly which video card you have and which driver to use with it is a task. I would like to know exactly which driver should I be using with this video card since this is a pre-7000 model I assume.

That thing sounds pretty ancient man. maybe the reason youre getting headaches just like old times is because you are using hardware from old times.

Bite the bullet and get a newer card dude you wont be disappointed.

The windows display utility will not install any ATI software other than the drivers themselves. You might try an earlier version of the Catalyst drivers.

coldfrontt, can you suggest which version to try.

Wow.that was an intelligent reply. Placing an ancient video card on an ancient computer shouldn t be a problem as long as there is an ancient driver still around. You place ancient hardware on ancient computers for new hardware isn t supported on ancient computers.

My Nvidia FX 5700 Ultra works just fine on my 3200, 1gb Dual Channel, Raid0 320gb computeris that new enough for you. :sleep:

Actually no. But you said yourself you have a PCI slot, get a 9200 for 60 bucks or a geforce two or something. jeez ill send you one for free with a big fat k7 cooler on it for all your ancient overclocking needs hehe. Ijust got done putting a radeon 9000pro in a pentium 2 266mhz so dont say you cant upgrade lol

Thanks for the link. I forgot to mention that I m running Win98se on the HP 4550 Pavilion so if can find that same version driver for Win98se I think I would be fine. It s definately a RADEON card as per my initial post. Should I try Rage 128 driver.

Newer video cards require at least a 250w computer power supply and I think this HP computer only has a 70-90w power supply for it uses a micro motherboard. The motherboard is the Asus MEB-VM Rev. 1.01 and has an onboard AGPx2 4mb video. Before buying the PCI card I went to HP website and got the specs of the computer and it showed it NOT having a AGP slot and when I went to install the PCI card lord and behold there was an empty AGP ver. 1.1 slot.

If you look at the card does it have a manufacture date on it. another thing could be that its OEM so you might have to get the driver from HP. or try installing win2k it may be able to auto detect, I hated win 98 for that.

save you self trouble first delete the C: ati

02/09/05 98/me should work fine try to install it

if all else fails after its extraced when you try to install it will be placed in a

C: ati support driver version drivers another folder i forget the name inf

point it there when you try to update useing the device manager or as you did Windows Display Settings and selected to update the Standard PCI Adapter driver

But after that manually you need to install the control panel it will be located in a folder like

C: ati support driver version control panel

When all else fails, you can go to and search for a hardware device driver.

There is got to be one for your card up there, maybe an old one, but it will definitely work.

OKI tried using the Windows 98/ME Display Driver build 4.12.3056 driver and selected RADEON SDR within adapter tab update screen and it said that it might not work and if I wanted to install it anyway so I did. After bootup I got a black blank windows desktop screen so I went into Safemode and changed it s refresh rate from unknown to default and rebooted and got a windows display screen this time but was not able to adjust over 256k colors at 640x480 and it didn t add any ATI tabs to my display properties screen so I uninstalled this driver. The Display Settings Adapter tab did show a RADEON SDR as the name of the video card. Oh well.

I clicked on the file The_Neon_Cowboy provided and it went through the whole install process and installed everything including Display Settings ATI tabs and taskbar ATI icon. On the Display Settings Adapter tab screen it now shows the video card as being a RADEON 7200. The video card has a S-Video TV out connection on it so is it posible that it is a 7200 card. Oh well, thanks a lot Cowboy.

.and thanks to all others who replied as well.

RAGE 6 SDR 32mb Video Card and Driver?

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Does ATI RADEON 256 SDR video adapter support tv output. - rage 6 sdr 32mb drivers Windows 2000 VGA Contoller AGP Version 2.00 ATI Rage 6 I do not know if.

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How to Crack Password-Protected Zip command you can easily crack the Zip password, brute force attack against a zip file that is password protected.

Most password-protected files can be cracked that can help him out so he proceeds to use it to crack the password. a password-protected Zip file.

Software to crack password protected. zip files. Advanced Archive Password Recovery: This commercial software from ElComSoft helps you crack. zip and. rar.

I recently downloaded a piece of software that came in a. ZIP archive, but the. EXE software inside of the archive had a password on it. The website that I would have.

Or unlock password protected or encrypted ZIP, PDF password protecting the ZIP/PDF/RAR/XLS/XLSX file you are trying to crack. If the password is.

Click Open button to load the encrypted ZIP file you forgot the password.

An anonymous reader asked Is there any way to crack a password-protected zip file.

That question can be interpreted two ways. Do you want to hack into someone else s private files. Or do you want to avoid a form of encryption that won t give you much protection. Since I believe that most PCWorld readers are inherently good people, I ll assume that you simply want to be assured that your files will not be cracked.

For some years now, the. zip format intended primarily for compression has provided encryption as an added feature. But what kind of encryption it provides depends on the program you use to create and open the ZIP file.

Have a tech question. Ask PCWorld Contributing Editor Lincoln Spector. Send your query to answer

The. zip format supports two forms of encryption and password protection. The first, nicknamed ZipCrypto, is relatively easy to crack. I m not saying that anyone could do it, but the Info-ZIP organization calls ZipCrypto quite weak a view shared by other organzations as well.

You d be far safer using the other option, AES-256. Unlike ZipCrypto, AES was not designed for ZIP files. It s a popular and extremely strong encryption technique used in many programs. Assuming you use a strong password, it s for all practical purposes unbreakable.

But when you use it for ZIP archives, AES-256 comes with another problem: Windows own, built-in compression tool doesn t support AES. Email someone an AES-encrypted file, text them the password safer than emailing it, and if they try to open it in Windows Explorer or File Explorer, they won t be able to open any of the files within the archive.

Fortunately, most third-party zip tools, including the free 7-zip, support AES-256. To encrypt an archive in 7-zip, once you re at the Add to Archive dialog box, enter a password and select the Encryption method AES-256. You ll find these options near the lower-right corner of the dialog box.

One more problem with encrypted ZIP files: No matter which form of encryption you use, anyone with access to the files can see the name of the files within the archive. If the file names provide sensitive information, a thief could take advantage of that. Of course, they would not be able to open any of the files without the password.

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Michigan Secretary Of State Driver Responsibility Fees

To pay a Driver Responsibility Fee to the State of Michigan are the Michigan Secretary of State changed another Driver Responsibility Fee.

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Make a Payment

Former Rep. Joe Haveman R-Holland, left, and Kentwood District Court Judge William Kelly celebrated the implementation of the first step to phase out the Driver Responsibility Fee at Kentwood District Court on Oct. 1.

KENTWOOD, MI – Getting a ticket in Michigan became a little less painful this week as the first phase of a three-year plan to eliminate the universally despised but highly profitable driver responsibility fee went into effect this week.

The punishment is assessed to those convicted of reckless driving, drunken driving or driving without a valid license and often socks drivers twice annually. Passed by the state legislature during an economic recession in 2003, the 500 to 1,000 fines generated about 100 million for the state treasury.

Those who fail to pay and are caught driving again can have those fees charged again and again and their license can be taken away for failing to pay.

Kentwood District Court Judge William Kelly said he has seen drivers with more than 10,000 in debt who will never be able to pay it off in large part because they have no reliable transportation in order to keep a job.

Over the decade the law was in effect, there was no more vocal opponent to the law on the Michigan bench.

Related: West Michigan judge hailed for his part in killing the multimillion-dollar driver responsibility fee

Kelly worked with legislators, most notably former State Rep. Joe Haveman, R-Holland, for years to get the law repealed.

Last year, Gov. Rick Snyder signed the law that went into effect Thursday, Oct. 1.

That means people who are hit with the fee today will still have to pay 1,000 this year, but next year s payment will be 500.

In 2016, the first year will be 1,000 but there will be no second year payment. In 2017, there will only be one 500 payment and the fee disappears completely by 2018. Haveman and Kelly got together Thursday at the Kentwood District Court to celebrate.

Kelly appeared before a state House committee in May 2014 and told legislators about the human toll he has seen the fee take on people who are guilty of fairly minor offenses.

The driver responsibility fee is a tax on the poorest people in our state, Kelly told lawmakers. It s a second punishment for the same crime -- double jeopardy. It s costly for locals to collect and has no connection to driver safety.

However, the fee added 99 million to 115 million in annual revenue for the state treasury, even though an estimated 600 million in fees have gone delinquent or unpaid since the fee was first enacted.

Despite doubt that legislators would enact that kind of revenue reduction, Haveman introduced the bill that passed the House and Senate unanimously and Public Act 250 was signed into law. Haveman was forced out of office last year because of term limits.

E-mail Barton Deiters: bdeiters and follow him on Twitter at or Facebook at

Michigan s Driver Responsibility Fees, assessed for traffic violations committed in the state, essentially penalized drivers twice for the same offense, and.

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Driver Responsibility Fee Community Service some driver responsibility fees will be eliminated. Drivers with seven Copyright 2016 State of Michigan.

Michigan s driver responsibility fees DRF started when the legislature amended Michigan s drunk driving laws so as to bring Michigan into compliance with the.

MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE DRIVER RESPONSIBILITY FEES. Michigan Secretary of State Driver Responsibility Fees are fines that are assessed by the State.

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Here is the video with the screens from ETS patch 1. The difference between patch V1. Euro truck simulator patch 1.3 uk Category North Description Build a.

Sep 15, 2010 - UK Truck Simulator GAME PATCH v.1.32 UK - Download. Euro Truck Simulator 2 PC - GAME PATCH v.1.22.2 - 1573.8 MB Euro Truck 344.9 MB Project Reality PC - FULL GAME Project Reality v.1.3.5 - 7275.7 MB.

Download the full setup file of the latest Euro Truck Simulator from the Direct download: UK patch 1.3; Note that this version of the patch only works with the full.

Jun 11, 2009 - The difference between patch V1.2 and V1.3 is that V1.3 contains minor bug fixes no new features. With update 1.3 you will have the Gold.

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Patch from an older version to newer From 1.21.1 to 1.22.2 Mercedes Actros 2014: Fixed speedometer in UK variant, Improved interior, Version

This article is about the first game of the Euro Truck Simulator series. Version 1.3, with improved DirectX compatibility, was released in the UK on CD A free patch containing the Gold Edition contents v1.3 was released on April 17, 2009.

Oct 8, 2013 - Patch 1.5.2 für Euro Truck Simulator 2 1.5.2 Minimum requirement for Going East. added oil indicator DAF: fixed speed gauge display in UK trucks, fixed exhaust 1.3.1 several safety checks added to improve stability with.

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The ultimate source of patches addons for Euro Truck Simulator. Download UK/english patch 1.3 for PC 19MB Download french patch 1.3 for PC 22MB.

Jul 9, 2013 - Descarcă Euro Truck Simulator 2 v1.3.0/1.3.1 to v1.4.1 Patch de pe added oil indicator DAF: fixed speed gauge display in UK trucks, fixed.

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Akella, Anuman Interactive, Excalibur Publishing, Friendsware, Halifax,

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downloads on this page to us through our Contact Page.

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Copyright: The Patches Scrolls, 1995-2013.

Be advised that there are several different releases of the 1.3 update patch - needed for different

online and retail versions of the game as released in various territories. Is is important that you

select the proper patch for your particular edition of the game, otherwise you will not be able to update

Do you offer a mirror of our patch. Let us know. We are looking for alternate download locations

so that people can download the patch as quickly and as easily as possible. Thanks.

Fast download links: Patches-Scrolls

How to update an older version of the game:

1. The multi-language online edition, as downloaded from this website

Download the full setup file of the latest Euro Truck Simulator from the download page of our website.

Uninstall your older version of the game. Don t worry about losing the license, it is stored in a different location

than the game installation folder, so your valid license for the game survives through this and following steps,

there is no need to re-activate.

Install the freshly downloaded edition of the game

2. The multi-language online Trymedia edition

Download the full setup file of the latest Euro Truck Simulator Trymedia edition here.

3. The UK retail edition of the game, distributed by Excalibur Publishing

Note that this version of the patch only works with the full retail CD version of the game

distributed in the UK. It will not work on other versions, it will not work if copy protection was removed,

it will not work if any original files were changed.

The content of this free patch is 100 identical to Euro Truck Simulator Gold - the title of the

updated game now shipping in new packaging in the UK. As promised, all existing customers of course have access to

this new content for free. If you have just purchased Euro Truck Simulator Gold, there is no need to update

4. The German retail edition of the game, distributed by rondomedia

German patch 1.3 at

distributed in Germany. It will not work on other versions, it will not work if any original files were changed.

Troubleshooting: In some cases, it may be necessary to place the patch file into the folder where the

game was installed example: C: Program Files Euro Truck Simulator.

updated game now shipping in new packaging in Germany. As promised, all existing customers of course have access to

5. The Spanish retail edition of the game, distributed by Friendware

Local download may be slower :

distributed in Spain. It will not work on other versions, it will not work if any original files were changed.

Important: It is necessary to place the patch file into the folder where the

game was installed example: C: Program Files Euro Truck Simulator for the patch to work.

6. The Portuguese retail edition of the game, distributed by PlayGames

distributed in Portugal. It will not work on other versions, it will not work if any original files were changed.

7. Czech Slovak Hungarian Romanian retail edition, distributed by Seven M

distributed in the countries listed above. It will not work on other versions, it will not work if any original files were changed.

8. Scandinavian retail edition, distributed by Wendros

distributed in Scandinavia. It will not work on other versions, it will not work if any original files were changed.

9. Polish retail edition, distributed by TopWare

distributed in Poland. It will not work on other versions, it will not work if any original files were changed.

10. Italian retail edition, distributed by Halifax

distributed in Italy. It will not work on other versions, it will not work if any original files were changed.

11. Australian retail edition, distributed by N3VRF41L Publishing

distributed in Australia. It will not work on other versions, it will not work if any original files were changed.

12. French CD-ROM version of the game, distributed by Anuman

distributed in France. It will not work on other versions, it will not work if any original files were changed.

Driving on the left side of the road in England

Improved DirectX compatibility

Several sound effects were improved.

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Since many drivers may not be accessible on the web, it s really a fairly strenuous job to attempt to get every single out of date driver on your laptop or personal pc. In order to avoid all the malfunctions that could derive from an out-of-date driver, you have to change out the impacted driver with the new edition. Even while taking care to up grade microsoft usb driver version 5.1.2600.0 is without question valuable, you need not unattend to all of those other drivers, that your choice of devices count on for the ideal operation of your personal computer. In the event that microsoft usb driver version 5.1.2600.0 might be defective, a range of complaints are usually met, leaving your personal pc or laptop useless, or partially working at best.

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Would you please find the driver attached. Extract these files to a Floppy Disk by selecting the floppy disk as your extract path. If you don t have either winzip or winrar, I suggest you download them. If you can t figure out how to extract directly to the floppy disk, just extract them somewhere onto your hard drive and copy the files onto the disk. To use these drivers, I suggest you read the readme file included in the zip file. Otherwise when you get to the command prompt, type as follows. A:

then press enter to go to the floppy drive, if you re floppy drive is a different letter then use it in place of the A, then type CDSETUP.EXE

Then you can just follow the prompts.

Slade Discussion Starter clasher097 6 11 Years Ago Slade 66 11 Years Ago Discussion Starter clasher097 6 11 Years Ago Discussion Starter clasher097 6 11 Years Ago Slade 66 11 Years Ago Discussion Starter clasher097 6 11 Years Ago

Release Notes for HIT-DVD.SYS Ver.1.00

HIT-DVD.SYS is the device driver for DOS CD-ROM Extensions that supports

ATAPI CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drives.

2. Command line switches of HIT-DVD.SYS

DEVICE x: dir HIT-DVD.SYS /D: device name /N: number of drives

/T: drive type /S: base I/O address /V

/D: device name Specifies Device Name.

/N: number of drives Specifies number of drives to be supported by

this driver. Value 1 to 8 are valid.

If this switch is omitted, the driver will

/T: drive type Specifies the first drive type to begin to

Definition of drive types are as follows:

/T: base I/O address master/slave


If this switch is omitted, it is the same as

/S: base I/O address Change IRQ number to the specified base I/O


/V Display installation information.

/B Use BIOS setting for data transfer.

-- Using /N: and /T: switches together. This setting

will reduce the loading time of the device driver.


-- Search beginning at /T:2 installing maximum 2 drives.

-- Default is automatic search for all drives connected.

-- Install all drives connected to primary, 2nd, 3rd 4th.

-- Using /N: switch to limit the maximum number of drives.


-- Install maximum of 2 drives while auto searching.

-- Using /T: switch to change the start of automatic search.


-- Search beginning at /T:2 2nd port and master.

-- Using /S: switch to use alternate IRQ numbers.


-- Auto search all drives using alternate IRQ numbers

for 170 IRQ 10 and for 168 IRQ 9. Use default

IRQ numbers for others 1F0 IRQ 14; 1E8 IRQ 12.

-- Using all switches together.

DEVICE HIT-DVD.SYS /D:MSCD001 /N:1 /T:2 /S:170

-- Install only 1 drive starting search at 2nd port master.

Use alternate IRQ of 10 for 170.

The above specifications are subject to change.

Hitachi, Ltd. Discussion Starter clasher097 6 11 Years Ago Discussion Starter clasher097 6 11 Years Ago Slade 66 11 Years Ago Slade 66 11 Years Ago Discussion Starter clasher097 6 11 Years Ago.

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Below is a list of our most popular Hitachi driver downloads. To download, select the exact Model Name/Number of your device, then click the Download button. If you can not find the exact driver for your Hitachi device, you can request the driver and we will find it for you. Also, you can visit and discuss drivers on our free forum.

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ZXSC380 Single or multi cell LED The ZXSC380 is a highly integrated single or multi cell LED driver for ZXSC380 Single or multi cell LED driver solution 80.

ZXLD381 datasheet - Single or Multi Cell LED Driver Solution

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Zetex: ZXLD381 Datasheet Single or Multi Cell LED Driver Solution: ZXLD381 Datasheet Preview:

ZXLD381 Operating Waveforms for L 4.7uH, VCC 1.5V

OU T AVE RA GE vs VCC fo r L 2.2uH to 47uH

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ZXLD381 Datasheet PDF 3 Page - Zetex Semiconductors: Part No. ZXLD381: Description Single or Multi Cell LED Driver Solution: Download.

The is a single cell LED driver designed for applications where step-up voltage conversion from a very low input voltage is required. These applications mainly operate from or 1.2V cells. The IC generates constant current pulses that are ideal for driving single or multiple LEDs over a wide range of operating voltages. The ZXLD381 uses a PFM control technique to drive an internal switching transistor which exhibits a low saturation resistance. This ensures high efficiency, even for input voltages as low as 1V. The IC can start up under full load and operates down to an input voltage of only 0.9V. The ZXLD381 is offered in the space saving SOT23 package or in die form, offering an excellent cost vs performance solution for single cell LED driving applications.

85 Efficiency User adjustable output current Single cell operation 0.9V minimum Low saturation transistor SOT23-3 package Available also in Die form Simple Application circuit voltage switching

Supply Voltage VCC Output Voltage VOUT Supply Current Output Switch Current Power Dissipation SOT23-3 Power Dissipation Die Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range to 150 C

Measured at TAMB 4.7H and VCC 1.5V unless otherwise specified. Parameter Conditions Min Supply Voltage Operating Range Minimum Supply Start-up Voltage Switch Current Switch Saturation Voltage Switch Leakage Current Mean LED Current Efficiency 10H At turn-off IOUT 200mA VOUT 20V VLED 3.5V VLED 3.5V Limits Typ Max mA Units

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Aspire 4.5 has a number of enhancements in all areas of the software along with some completely new functionality. On this page you can read a brief summary of the additions and download the What s New PDF document which lists all the new features in detail. We have categorized the changes into four headings, Drawing Tools, Modeling Tools, Toolpath Options and Miscellaneous.

What s New in Aspire 4.5 PDF Document:

There are lots very helpful additions to the drawing tools which provide more control over vector creation and improved efficiency when laying out a design, these are:

Rotate objects around a user defined center point.

This can also be used when copying objects in a circular array.

Fixed nudge distance when hold Ctrl Shift Arrow Key defined in Snap Settings - F4.

Ability to move a vector node by a relative distance to its current location.

Snap to center, corner and border mid-points of the job area.

Create vector boundary from multiple overlapping vectors.

Generates a new vector based on the silhouette of selected vectors.

The Import 3D model function in Aspire has some new options. The SKP SketchUp file-type can now be imported as a 3D component this will create a single object. There is also an option to add the effect of perspective to 3D models when importing them. For some shapes this will help enhance their appearance and provide more impact when converting them to a component in Aspire.

The Emboss Tool is a completely new feature in Aspire that can be used to great effect when working with some imported 3D models. Often a 3D shape which has not been created in a relief style may have too much detail to use it effectively in a job. When the height is reduced on this type of model then much of the detail can be washed out. The Emboss tool provides a way to preserve surface detail when reducing height.

Creating a pocket toolpath on slots or donut type pockets which are the same width as the tool would often cause undesirable results in previous versions of the software. This has now been updated to automatically recognize this situation and whenever possible try to machine these parts in a single pass making a more efficient toolpath with a better finish.

The Drilling toolpath has had two options added to it. First you can now specify that the Peck-Drilling raises up a distance above the last pass rather than pulling out of the hole completely. This speeds up some types of drilling operation. There is also the option to create a Dwell at the bottom of each pass. This pauses the movement of the tool at the bottom of each peck before retracing by the specified number of seconds. To use this feature your CNC must support this option and you will need to ensure your postprocessor has a section to manage this.

Option to create rubber band border and specify an offset distance.

A major enhancement for SketchUp users is a new import tool which can help extract and organize 2D data from a file with an SKP extension there is also a way to extract 3D data which is detailed below. A SketchUp file is typically drawn as a full 3D object, for example a cupboard or piece of furniture, the new import tool provides many options to control how the data is imported to help dramatically reduce the time it can take to layout this type of data and get it ready to toolpath. This is explained more fully in the What s New PDF. Installer/Update Patch German Update

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Dec 14, 2011 - Recently, while updating the Symantec anti-virus software, I encountered a LU1803: LiveUpdate failed while getting your updates error.

I keep getting this message when I run Live Update.

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Symantec LU1803 fix. Posted on 2011-12-14 by M. Eric Carr. This entry was posted in System Administration and tagged Antivirus, LiveUpdate, LU1803, Symantec.

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Midi Patch Lists

Patch Lists Device Decriptions for OSX. These patch lists were created using the excellent program Cherry Picker. middev files. Both MOTU and Digidesign use the Mac.

Universal Windows app development. Be more than mobile, reach every Windows screen.

Patch Lists for OSX

GM1 Sound Set

Patch Lists Device Decriptions for OSX

These patch lists were created using the excellent program Cherry Picker.

Both MOTU and Digidesign use the Mac OS X middev device description format. The appropriate middev files must be installed in order for midnam files to be recognized. If you have previously altered your middev files, you can copy and paste relevant sections from one file to another.

Digital Performer installation

Install both the midnam and middev files into: Home /Library/Audio/MIDI Devices/MOTU

Home /Library/Audio/MIDI Patch Names/Digidesign

Home /Library/Audio/MIDI Devices

Note re ProTools and the Fireworx and DSP7000 patch lists:

Sadly, ProTools does not currently support mixing patches from different MIDI banks into a single virtual bank - which is exactly the trick that I ve used in the Fireworx and DSP7000 patch lists. Because of this, for the time being, they remain compatible with DP only. The OASYS patch lists should be compatible with ProTools, however.

The OASYS keyboard is the latest product I ve worked on with Korg, and I m quite proud of it. This download includes Mac OS X middev and name documents for Digital Performer, ProTools, and Cubase, along with patch lists for OS9 s FreeMIDI.

Download OASYS midnam, middev, and FreeMIDI files

The Fireworx has tons of presets - 400 to be exact. There s a lot of good stuff in there, but it can sometimes be hard to find what you re looking for.

After working with the Eventide DSP7000 s relatively well-organized presets, I decided that I wanted to find a better way to organize the Fireworx patches. With this in mind, I took some liberties with the patch list, sorting the factory sounds into various categories. Some patches may appear in more than one category, when appropriate. I ve also included hints to try out the alpha-mod knob in cases where the knob shifts the sound from one category to another. Hopefully, all of this will be useful to others as well.

The screen-shot below shows an example of the categories and sub-categories.

Note that this grouping is done only in the patch list; the internal Fireworx memory is completely unaffected.

Make sure to set up the Fireworx MIDI preferences as described in the read-me file; otherwise, the patchlist may not work properly.

Download Fireworx version 2.0 midnam and middev files

The DSP7000 has over 800 presets in about 60 fairly well-organized banks. To minimize on-screen scrolling, I ve sorted the banks into 25 main categories, with individual banks as sub-categories when necessary.

The middev file includes entries for all recent Eventide devices, including the DSP7000.

Download DSP7000 version 3.0 midnam and middev files.

General MIDI s most recognized feature is the defined list of sounds

or patches. However, General MIDI does not actually define the way the sound will be reproduced,

Though this can obviously result in wide variations in performance from the same song data on

different GM sound sources, the authors of General MIDI felt it important to allow each manufacturer

to have their own ideas and express their personal aesthetics when it comes to picking the exact

Each manufacturer must insure that their sounds provide an acceptable representation of song

data written for General MIDI. Guidelines for developing GM compatible sound sets and song data

are available through the MMA.

The names of the instruments indicate what sort of sound will be heard when that

instrument number MIDI Program Change or PC is selected on the GM1 synthesizer.

These sounds are the same for all MIDI Channels except Channel 10, which has only

percussion sounds and some sound effects. See GM1 Percussion Key Map

General MIDI Level 1 Instrument Families

The General MIDI Level 1 instrument sounds are grouped by families. In each family are 8

General MIDI Level 1 Instrument Patch Map

Note: While GM1 does not define the actual characteristics of any

sounds, the names in parentheses after each of the synth leads, pads, and sound effects

are, in particular, intended only as guides.

PC Instrument NamePC Instrument

1.Acoustic Grand Piano65.Soprano Sax

2.Bright Acoustic Piano66.Alto Sax

3.Electric Grand Piano67.Tenor Sax

4.Honky-tonk Piano68.Baritone Sax

6.Electric Piano 270.English Horn

17.Drawbar Organ81.Lead 1 square

18.Percussive Organ 82.Lead 2 sawtooth

19.Rock Organ83.Lead 3 calliope

20.Church Organ84.Lead 4 chiff

21.Reed Organ85.Lead 5 charang

24.Tango Accordion88.Lead 8 bass lead

25.Acoustic Guitar nylon 89.Pad 1 new age

26.Acoustic Guitar steel 90.Pad 2 warm

27.Electric Guitar jazz 91.Pad 3 polysynth

28.Electric Guitar clean 92.Pad 4 choir

29.Electric Guitar muted 93.Pad 5 bowed

30.Overdriven Guitar94.Pad 6 metallic

31.Distortion Guitar95.Pad 7 halo

32.Guitar harmonics96.Pad 8 sweep

34.Electric Bass finger 98.FX 2 soundtrack

35.Electric Bass pick 99.FX 3 crystal

36.Fretless Bass100.FX 4 atmosphere

37.Slap Bass 1 101.FX 5 brightness

38.Slap Bass 2 102.FX 6 goblins

39.Synth Bass 1103.FX 7 echoes

40.Synth Bass 2104.FX 8 sci-fi

46.Pizzicato Strings110.Bag pipe

49.String Ensemble 1113.Tinkle Bell

51.SynthStrings 1115.Steel Drums

52.SynthStrings 2116.Woodblock

56.Orchestra Hit120.Reverse Cymbal

57.Trumpet121.Guitar Fret Noise

60.Muted Trumpet124.Bird Tweet

61.French Horn125.Telephone Ring

62.Brass Section126.Helicopter

General MIDI Level 1 Percussion Key Map

On MIDI Channel 10, each MIDI Note number Key corresponds to a different drum sound, as shown below. GM-compatible instruments must have the sounds on the keys shown here. While many current instruments also have additional sounds above or below the range show here, and may even have additional kits with variations of these sounds, only these sounds are supported by General MIDI Level 1 devices.

To General MIDI Information Page.

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General MIDI Level 1 Instrument Patch Map: Note: While GM1 does not define the actual characteristics of any sounds, the names in parentheses after each of the.

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Patch Dow

Dawn of War

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War -- Patch 1.4 Changes

Increased Defiler cost to 190 requisition 400 power

Increased Defiler build time to 60 seconds

Increased the cost of the Chaos

Sorcerer to 200 requisition 100 power

Chaos Sorcerer build time is now 60 seconds up from 20

Cost and build time of Chaos Marine Tactical Bolters reduced by 5

Reduced the cost of the Chaos Temple by 10

Reinforce time of Chaos Marine Tactical Bolters reduced by 10

Warp Spider damage against infantry has been reduced by 15

Ork Stormboyz armor changed from Infantry High to Heavy Medium. Ork Stormboyz should now be a much better counter to Warp Spiders.

Reduced the cost of the Space Marine Dreadnought to 170 requisition 350 power

Reduced the train time of the Space Marine Dreadnought to 50 seconds

Cost and build time of Space Marine Tactical Bolters reduced by 5

Reinforce time of Space Marine Tactical Bolters reduced by 10

Reduced the cost of the Chapel Barracks by 10

Scouts were inadvertently given an accuracy penalty while moving in the 1.3 patch. This penalty has been removed. Scouts should now be more effective at dealing damage.

The recharge for Battle Cry was reduced to 96 seconds down from 120

The recharge for Orbital Bombardment was reduced to 195 seconds down from 240

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Very Small Crack In Tooth

Accountable largely by the fact that the associated symptoms tend to be very have small, discrete, harder on the tooth. A crack that penetrates into the.

Cracked Tooth. Cracks on teeth are usually quite small. There are two types of cracks. One where the tooth actually is cracked which usually will be very painful.

How do I know if my tooth is cracked. Cracked teeth show a variety Craze lines are very The split tooth is identified by a crack with distinct segments.

Craze Lines: Hairline Cracks In Your Front along the inside of the tooth. I am very worried that its a crack. tooth also had a very small chip in the.

Some teeth have cracks that are too small Cracked tooth syndrome is one of the part of the tooth being tested most likely has a crack in it. Your dentist may.

Cracked Tooth

How is a cracked tooth that she could still very well lose the tooth. and it appears as a small hairline crack on the marginal ridge or the tooth.

very small crack in tooth

If you could look that closely at all of your teeth, you d discover that most, if not all have cracks. We call these craze lines and they happen during normal function, accidently biting into something hard, habitually chewing hard foods, chewing pens/pencils/fingernails, rapid temperature change drinking an icy soda then biting into a hot french fryetc.

You can mention it to your dentist at your next cleaning, but there s no need to make a special trip.

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We respect your e-mail privacy

Cracks on teeth are usually quite small. There are two types of cracks. One where the tooth actually is cracked which usually will be very painful, and the other which is an enamel line fracture, which might look like a crack but it doesn t hurt and is only on the level of the out layer of the tooth, the enamel. Rapid changes in temperature can cause small hair line fractures in the tooth. These tiny fractures easily remineralize and do not pose a tooth health problem that requires dental surgery.

What a Cracked Tooth Might Look Like

Deeper cracks in the tooth that go past the first tooth layer, the enamel, and into the dentin might feel like your face is on fire. This is because the nerve is sending you a pain response because something is wrong with the tooth. Teeth experience a large amount of pressure when you chew food, or when you clench them. If the pressure on your tooth is uneven, or too much, the tooth will start becoming structurally weak. Think of a building that is need of repair. A healthy diet as described in, Cure Tooth Decay will cause the tooth to heal and repair and be strong. If your tooth is placed under extra stress, then a crack slowly develops. Only the maintenance of that crack by a healthy diet can prevent or save it.

Crowns in the mouth that are not placed correctly can cause an uneven bite. This uneven bite can cause extra stress on certain teeth, causing them to weaken and finally crack under the stress.

Another cause of cracked teeth is mercury fillings. The mercury is not bonded to the tooth, leaving the tooth weak and traumatized. The mercury filled tooth is almost like a tooth that is hollow. There can be extreme biting stresses on certain parts of the tooth based on the shape of the filling. Over time, this biting stress may break down the tooth, causing a crack.

Below is another picture of a tooth crack. That is a top of a molar that has been opened up. The arrow points to a painful crack.

What Can You Do About a Tooth Crack.

It really depends on if this is a real crack, or a small enamel line fracture. If your dentist has told you your tooth is cracked, and it doesn t hurt you. It is possible that you are being misdiagnosed so your dentist can make more money, and that you might just have an enamel fracture that requires no treatment. The misdiagnoses can especially occur if you have dental insurance.

If the tooth is painful to biting stress then it is possible that you have a real crack. There isn t much a dentist can do about a crack that is conservative. The best option for a crack that isn t too painful is to purchase a night time guard that is comfortable, such as a small moldable sports mouth guard. A night guard will reduce the biting force on the tooth at night, and hopefully that will give it a chance to heal. A dentist might try to shave down part of a tooth to reduce the biting stress on it. This usually is a bad idea because shaving down a tooth might actually increase the stress on the tooth. Usually a bite can be balanced by making tiny build ups on the teeth by an expert dentist. So adding height to the bite, rather than taking height away will help with balancing a bad bite that has caused a tooth crack.

For a larger and more painful tooth crack, a dentist is going to want to make a full crown, or miniature crown for the tooth. Basically this would involve drilling out all of the tooth to the point where the crack is nonexistent, and then placing a crown on top of the tooth. It seems like an ideal solution would be just to seal the crack with dental bonding material. But I am not sure if that is doable.

Root Canals for Cracked Teeth.

Just because a tooth is cracked, does not mean it deserves the punishment of a root canal. A root canal removes the top of the tooth, and the tooth nerve and replaces it with a synthetic material. I do not see how this would help a cracked tooth. If the cracked tooth is severely infected, and the crack so large that it is irreparable, then perhaps it is a candidate for a root canal. Otherwise, avoid having a root canal on a cracked tooth.

Small cracks in teeth can remineralize by changing your diet. Larger tooth cracks may not be able to remineralize because it is very difficult to isolate the tooth to give it a chance to really heal. Large cracks are also indications of significant dietary errors or major health problems. Or a sign of bad, and toxic dentistry.

Other people have learned the secrets to stopping cavities with the published book Cure Tooth Decay.

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Small crack in my tooth?!?!?

Routine Treatment Cracked teeth. This is done when the chip is very small. The rough edges of the tooth are rounded and the crack in a tooth will never.

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May 07, 2007  This article describes how to troubleshoot audio CD creation burning in Windows Media Player for Windows XP. To troubleshoot audio CD creation.

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This is a list of UPnP AV media servers and client application or hard appliances.

2.1 UPnP control points and player software

2.2 UPnP player/client hardware

2.3 UPnP control point hardware

2.4 UPnP media render hardware

Main article: Comparison of UPnP AV media servers

Plex, a cross-platform and open source GPL software media player and entertainment hub for digital media, available for OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux, as well as mobile clients for iOS including Apple TV 2nd generation onwards, Android, and Windows Phone.

XBMC, a cross platform open source software media-player/media center for Android, Apple TV, Linux, OS X, Windows, and the original Xbox.

XBMC built-in UPnP client and UPnP MediaServer code are from Platinum UPnP C SDK open source under GPL

Vuze, an open-source Java-based BitTorrent client which contains MediaServer plugin.

Twonky Server, a cross-platform multimedia server and entertainment hub for digital media, available for Android, iOS including Apple TV 2nd gen onwards, Linux, OS X, Microsoft Windows, Windows Phone and Xbox 360.

PS3 Media Server, a free Cross Platform Java based UPnP DLNA server especially good for AVC and other current HD media codecs with on-the-fly transcoding.

Universal Media Server, a derivative of PS3 media server, but with better transcoding support, plugin management, and tweaks for consoles.

TVMOBiLi, a cross platform, high performance UPnP/DLNA Media Server for Windows, OS X and Linux.

JRiver Media Center, a multi-faceted media player/organizer with a DLNA/UPnP server, controller, and renderer, including conversion. Supports Microsoft Windows and OS X.

Serviio, is available with a free and a pro license. It can stream media files music, video or images to renderer devices e.g. a TV set, Blu-ray player, games console or mobile phone on a local area network.

Fuppes, a open source, lightweight c based DLNA server.

vGet Cast, a simple, cross platform Chrome App DLNA server and controller for single, local video files.

LimboMedia, a free cross platform home- and UPnP/DLNA mediaserver with android app and WebM transcoding for browser playback build with java and Ffmpeg.

FreeNAS, a free NAS operating system. Based on FreeBSD and works on x86-based computers. FreeNAS UPnP server code is from the Portable Universal Plug and Play UPnP SDK project

DivX, a Windows application, mainly for video encoding into DivX format, but has the ability to stream multimedia files via DLNA.

DVBViewer, a Windows application, mainly for TV/Radio recording/playback, but with the ability to stream live TV/radio as well as multimedia files via UPNP/DLNA.

KooRaRoo Media, a commercial DLNA media server and organizer for Windows. Includes on-the-fly transcoding, per-file and per-folder parental controls, powerful organizing features with dynamic playlists, Internet radio streaming, Play To functionality and remote device control, burned-in and external subtitles, extensive format support including RAW photo formats. Streams all files to all devices. Also has a free version, see the features comparison page for details.

PlayOn, a commercial UPnP/DLNA media server for Windows, includes a transcoder for streaming web video.

Windows Media Connect from Microsoft, a free UPnP AV MediaServer and control point server and client for Microsoft Windows

WMC version 2.0 can be installed for usage with Windows Media Player 10 for Windows XP

WMC version 3.0 can be installed for usage with Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP

WMC version 4.0 comes pre-installed on Windows Vista with its Windows Media Player 11

MediaMonkey, a free media player/tagger/editor with an UPnP/DLNA client and server for Microsoft Windows

Wild Media Server, a media server for Windows, Wine Linux, Wineskin OS X, individual device settings, transcoding, external and internal subtitles, restricted device access to folders, uploading files, Internet-Radio, Internet-Television, Digital Video Broadcasting DVB, DMR-control and Play To, Music Visualization, Photo Slideshow, support for 3D-subtitles, support for music fingerprints.

Mezzmo, a commercial software package. Mezzmo streams music, movies, photos and subtitles to the UPnP and DLNA-enabled devices. It automatically finds and organizes music, movies and photos, imports multimedia files from iPad, iPhone, iPod, Audio CDs, iTunes, Windows Media Player and WinAmp. DLNA server supports all popular media file formats with real time transcoding to meet the device specifications.

TVble, a cloud connected Rotten tomatoes/TMDB etc., Torrent streaming, DLNA enabled media server. Allows single file or playlist downloads.

ReadyMedia formerly known as MiniDLNA is a simple media server software, with the aim of being fully compliant with DLNA/UPnP-AV clients. It is developed by a NETGEAR employee for the ReadyNAS product line.

Mediatomb, an open source DLNA server for Linux.

MythTV, an open-source HTPC and PVR software for Linux, with a built-in UPnP AV MediaServer.

Rygel, an open-source media server, part of the GNOME Live. project

GeeXboX, an opensource lightweight media center for Linux that supports DLNA through uShare uShare development is currently discontinued

VortexBox is a free, open source GPL v3, quick-install ISO that turns your unused computer into an easy-to-use music server/jukebox

XBMC, an open-source HTPC software for Linux, with a built-in UPnP AV MediaServer.

vGet, Android App that can play videos embedded in websites on DLNA Renderers.

AVM FRITZ.Box, the newer revisions of these residential gateway devices come with a UPnP/DLNA compliant media server

Billion 7800xxx series modem-routers come with a built in uPnP/DLNA compliant media server

NETGEAR ReadyNAS Includes ReadyDLNA branded version of miniDLNA on all ReadyNAS products and some routers as the ReadyShare USB feature.

D-Link DNS-323 2-Bay Network Storage Enclosure.

D-Link DNS-325 Share Centre 2-Bay Network Attached Storage Enclosure.

Linksys WRT610N gigabit Wifi-N router supports UPnP with a USB hard drive, as a Storage feature

SFR Neuf Cegetel NeufBox 5 Gigabit LAN and NeufBox 4 10/100 Mbit/s with firmware 2.0.8 and USB drive key.

All technicolor DSL/GPON Gateways from the TG712 upwards have an embeded DLNA certified Server sharing content of a USB attached HDD.

Naim UnitiServe ripping UPnP server

Naim HDX ripping UPnP server and player

ASUS DSL-N55U ADSL Modem Router, supports USB drive media sharing. Dual Band WIFI, 10/100/1000 Mbit/s

Buffalo WBMR-HP-G300H ADSL2 Modem Router, supports USB drive media sharing, possible to install Open-/DD-WRT. Fast NAS sharing too. Dual Band WIFI, 10/100/1000 Mbit s

List of NAS manufacturers – there are many uncatalogued NAS devices with UPNP.

See also Digital Living Network Alliance DLNA-certified software.

A UPnP client, also called a control point, functions as a digital audio/video remote control. Control points automatically detect UPnP servers on the network to browse content directories and request the transfer or streaming of media. A UPnP media renderer performs the actual audio or video rendering. Control points and media renderers most commonly run on separate devices, the control point being for example a tablet, and the renderer a television or a networked audio computer connected to an audio receiver. Some control points integrate a media renderer and may function as a complete music playing application.

UPnP control points and player software edit

Banshee, an open source MIT media player with UPnP-client support since version 2.4

Kinsky is an open source UPnP control point for iPod/iPhone, iPad, Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and PocketPC.

Plex, a cross-platform and open source GPL software media player and a closed source media server and entertainment hub, available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux, as well as mobile clients for iOS including Apple TV 2nd generation onwards, Android, and Windows Phone. The desktop version of the media player is free while the mobile version is chargeable.

PlugPlayer is a cross-platform UPnP client, Media Renderer, Media Server and control point available for iPod/iPhone, iPad, Android, Google TV and Mac OS X. In addition to UPnP servers, PlugPlayer can also can utilize some cloud-based media services such as MP3tunes and CloudUPnP.

VLC media player, a free, open-source and cross-platform media player that has a built-in UPnP-client. For Windows, OS X and Linux.

XBMC, a cross platform open source software media-player/media center for Apple TV, Linux, Mac, Windows, Android, the original Xbox and the custom XBMCbuntu.

MediaAmp, a Chrome app that provides a cross-platform media player with a built-in UPnP-client.

foobar2000, an audio player, supports UPnP via the Foo_UPnP plugin.

WinDVD, is a commercial DVD-Video and video-files playback software for Windows.

Nero MediaHome, a commercial software package containing both a UPnP client and server supporting music and video playback.

Orb, an UPnP Server and web interface with support for live TV on any device.

TVersity, an UPnP Server with on-the-fly-transcoding.

MediaMonkey, free media player/tagger/editor with an UPnP/DLNA client and server.

JRiver Media Center, a media player/organizer with a DLNA/UPnP server, controller, and renderer, including conversion.

Wild Media Server, a media player/server with DLNA/UPnP capabilities.

MediaCloud Mac v2, UPnP Audio/Video Player Control Point

Songbook Mac can control Linn DS, Naim HDX, Hush Digifi or UPNP device from a Mac.

OPlayer, Media player that has a built-in UPnP-client.

BRisa UPnP Framework, a free and open-source UPnP framework that allows the development of UPnP devices, as well as provides three implementation reference of UPnP applications: the BRisa Media server, the BRisa Media Renderer and the BRisa Control Point.

Totem, a free and open-source Media Player part of the GNOME desktop, via the grilo plugin.

djmount, free software to mount as a Linux filesystem the media content of compatible UPnP AV devices.

upmpdcli, a free and open-source UPnP media renderer front end to MPD, the Music Player Daemon

UPnP Monkey is a multi-room control point and DLNA media server which offers the opportunity to stream media from a smartphone or a network hard drive to a media player.

MediaHouse UPnP / DLNA is a DLNA client that streams music, movies, videos and photos from any UPnP/DLNA compliant server onto android devices and can control play to other UPnP/DLNA compliant renderers.

Pixel Media Server is a free DLNA compliant Digital Media Server on Android platform. Has external subtitles support.

Pixel Media Controller is a free DLNA compliant Digital Media Controller on Android platform to control DLNA certified/compliant Digital Media Server, Digital Media Render and Digital Media Printer on Android. Can browse contents from the Media Server and playback media at a DLNA certified TV or renderer devices, and print at DLNA certified Printer.

Flipps formerly iMediaShare is a free DLNA compliant Digital Media Controller, Server and Renderer.

ArkMC Media Center is a DLNA Server, Controller and Renderer.

BubbleUPnP is a DLNA Server, Controller and Renderer.

Media Server is a free DLNA Server.

Media Server Pro is a DLNA Server that allows individual file selections for sharing.

EML UPnP-AV Control Point is a free UPnP control point and renderer.

UPnPlay is a free UPnP renderer/player.

Onkyo Remote is a free UPnP renderer/player/server/controller

MediaSteersman is a free UPnP control point for Android tablets with included UPnP renderer and server functionality

Skifta is a DLNA Certified software app.

Network Audio Remote is a free DLNA Controller.

YAACC is an open source UPNP/DLNA server, renderer and controller.

All devices running the BlackBerry 10 operating system include native UPnP Media Server capabilities.

EnefceDMS is a free UPnP media server.

AirPlayer DLNA/UPnP Client for iPhone/iPad.

AllShare TV - DLNA Media Server for iOS with features to push and control media using iOS

media:connect DLNA server, controller and renderer

PlayerXtreme is a media playback and organizing solution.

Flipps, formerly iMediaShare iMediaShare Lite

AcePlayer - powerful player with downloading background play features

Nokia N82 has client and server, both DLNA certified.

Nokia N95 has client and server, only the server is DLNA certified.

Nokia N78 has client and server, both DLNA certified.

Nokia E72, the first Nokia E-Series device having client and server, both DLNA certified.

Nokia N97 has client and server, both DLNA certified.

Nokia 5630 XpressMusic has client and server.

Sony Ericsson Vivaz has server and is DLNA certified.

Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro has server and is DLNA certified.

Samsung i8910 has server and is DLNA certified.

GeeXboX, an open-source lightweight media center Live CD, no installation required

Nokia N800 and its native MediaStreamer application. This client can also control other hardware renderers such as the Roku Soundbridge

Nokia N900 through its Maemo 5 Operating System

Moovida formerly Elisa is a free, open-source and cross-platform media center solution

PlayStation 3 game-console with OS version 1.8 or later through the Xross Media Bar 1

Xbox 360 client from Windows Media Connect

UPnP player/client hardware edit

PlayStation 3 Sony games console from home screen

Sony TVs, DVD/Blu-ray Player, Google TV Box and Network Media Players with DLNA certification

Philips 2 4000, 3 5000, 4 6000, 5 7000, 6 8000 and 7 9000 LCD-LED series with DLNA interface

Xtreamer Digital Media Players

UPnP control point hardware edit

Philips Streamium range of products

Philips 8000 and 9000 LCD series with DLNA interface

DIRECTV PLUS HD DVR hardware HR20/HR21/HR21Pro/HR22/HR23

UPnP media render hardware edit

Archos Generation 5 All Archos models of the 5th Generation like 605 and 705

Archos TV Like the 5th generation models

Audionet DNC UPnP media player and DAC

Blaupunkt IR-40 FM/UKW/DAB, Internet Radio, UPnP media player

Boulder 1021 High Definition Multiple Format Audio Player

Grundig Ovation 2i CDS 9000 WEB

HP MediaSmart LCD High Definition Televisions

Kathrein UFC960 - HDTV Cable Receiver

Kodak EasyShare digital picture frames including at least the W series

LG televisions and Blu-ray players that include the Netcast feature

LG DP-1, DP-1W Digital Media Player

Musica Pristina Musica Pristina Transducer - Audiophile grade Digital Music Player and DAC with tube output supporting 192/24 streams and most major formats.

Musical Fidelity M1 Clic - High-End Digital Music Player and DAC that supports 192/24 streams and several formats.

Med100X3D media player 3D - digital video and music player that supports 192/24

Med600X3D media player3D - digital video and music player that supports 192/24

Naim UnitiQute - All-in-one player

Naim UnitiLite - All-in-one player

Naim NaimUniti2 - All-in-one player

Naim SuperUniti - All-in-one player

Olive OPUS music servers and players, Olive MELODY players

Panasonic Plasma Viera G30-Series

Panasonic Plasma Viera NeoPDP G20-Series

Panasonic Plasma Viera NeoPDP G15-Series

Panasonic Plasma Viera NeoPDP V10-Series

Panasonic Plasma Viera NeoPDP VT50-Series

Panasonic Plasma Viera NeoPDP GT50-Series

Panasonic Viera ST60 Series 2013, Plasma, DLNA Client

Panasonic Viera VT60 Series 2013, Plasma, DLNA Client

Panasonic Viera ZT60 Series 2013, Plasma, DLNA Client

Panasonic Plasma Viera NeoPDP Z1-Series

PCEngines Alix 2d2 or 3d2 with 8 EasyMPD

PS Audio PerfectWave DAC in combination with Bridge

Pure Pure One Flow : FM, DAB, DAB, UPnP/DLNA, Internet Radio

Roberts Radio Stream 83i Radio

Roku SoundBridge and SoundBridge Radio also sold under the Pinnacle Systems brand

Sangean WFR-20 also supports Windows Shares

Sonos all Sonos Player Compononents PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Connect, Connect:AMP, PLAYBAR

Sony Network Speaker SA-NS310,SA-NS410, SA-NS510

Sony Receiver STR-DN840, STR-DN1030, STR-DN1040

Sony CMT-MX700NI Micro HIFI Component System

Xbox game-console with XBMC Media Center formerly Xbox Media Center software, which is a free open-source software multimedia-player.

XBMC s built-in UPnP client and UPnP server code are from Platinum UPnP C SDK open source under GPL.

Xbox 360 game-console through the Xbox 360 Dashboard

Yamaha RX-Vx067 series i.e. 1067, 2067, 3067

Yamaha RX-Vx73 series, beginning with RV-V473

Yamaha RX-Vx75 series, beginning with RV-V475

Yamaha Aventage Series RX-A1000/A2000/A3000

Ziova ClearStream Series i.e. CS510

Comparison of UPnP AV media servers

Digital Living Network Alliance

Latest PLAYSTATION3 Firmware Update Adds Upscaling for PlayStation/PlayStation2 Games and DVD Movies. Sony Computer Entertainment America. 2007. Retrieved 2007-05-24.

a b 32PFL4907/F7 Philips 4000 series LED TV 32PFL4907 32 class/po - Philips Support

a b 50PFL5907/F7 Philips 5000 series LED-LCD TV 50PFL5907 50 class/po - Philips Support

a b Philips 7000 series 46PFL7605H/12 - LED TV

a b Philips 8000 LED series 40PFL8664H/12 - LCD TV

a b Philips 9000 series 46PFL9705H/12 - LED TV Community based approach to build a database with UPnP devices capabilities

CH3SNAS DNS-323 Hacking - How to use the commonly used CH3SNAS and DNS-323 NAS as a download/media server

Retrieved from List_of_UPnP_AV_media_servers_and_clients oldid 601612493

Categories: Digital mediaMobile contentServers computing Media servers.

Discover the freedom and flexibility that DLNA and VidiPath can bring to your media The Digital Living Network Alliance is THE technology alliance.

Windows Media Player (Compact 7)

List of UPnP AV media servers and clients

dlna digital media player windows

J oin DLNA. DLNA Membership goes far beyond certification. Influencing the organization through committee and task force participation, networking with key.

The Windows Media Player now integrates playback, media library, and Digital Living Network Alliance DLNA support. By using the Windows Media Player, you can do the following:

Use DirectShow rendering to deliver audio, video, and visual media across a wider range of codecs than previous versions.

Use Media Library to provide easy content management and aggregation.

Use DLNA to provide seamless remote media rendering and end-user access to media content; DLNA enables the support for Digital Media Players DMPs, Digital Media Controllers DMCs, and Digital Media Renderers DMRs. For more information on an important consideration regarding DLNA, see DLNA Media Security.

The Windows Media Player application consists of three components: a music player, a video player, and a photo viewer. Each component functions as a stand-alone application, although they each share some common functions, such as writing settings into the registry.

The music player, video player, and photo viewer components are packaged as separate executable binary . exe files. To use shared functions, each component loads the common dynamic-link libraries DLLs with which they are packaged.

The Windows Media Player application components are based on Microsoft Silverlight for Windows Embedded and have associated XAML files and other resources, such as image files. These XAML and resource files determine the appearance of the Windows Media Player UI for that component. You can modify the XAML files with Microsoft Expression Blend 3 to quickly and directly create a UI that is customized for your end-users needs.

To add the Windows Media Player application to your OS design, see Windows Media Player Catalog Items and Sysgen Variables.

The locations of the source XAML files for each Windows Media Player application component are listed in the table below.

XAML for the small-screen music player

_WINCEROOT public mediaapps oak samples cemp music smallscreen xaml

XAML for the medium-screen music player

_WINCEROOT public mediaapps oak samples cemp music midscreen xaml

XAML for the small-screen video player

_WINCEROOT public mediaapps oak samples cemp video smallscreen xaml

XAML for the medium-screen video player

_WINCEROOT public mediaapps oak samples cemp video midscreen xaml

XAML for the small-screen photo viewer

_WINCEROOT public mediaapps oak samples cemp photo smallscreen xaml

XAML for the medium-screen photo viewer

_WINCEROOT public mediaapps oak samples cemp photo midscreen xaml.

List of UPnP AV media servers and clients Windows Media Player and WinAmp. DLNA server supports Player is a free DLNA compliant Digital Media.

Dec 12, 2011  How to Stream Digital Media From Your Windows 7 PC. Digital Living Network Alliance How to Stream Digital Media From Your.

The Windows Media Player now integrates playback, media library, and Digital Living Network Alliance DLNA support. By using the Windows Media Player, you can do.

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Always make a backup of the files that are overwritten by the File Archive, as the original files are usually required to update the game to a newer version or to play Online.

Some No-CD/Fixed EXE files work fine in Single Player mode but are detected to be modified when trying to play online. When this happens use the original EXE to play online, else you could find yourself banned from the game.

When using Fixed Files make sure to use a Firewall which controls outgoing traffic, as some games call back to report the use of these modified files.

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Some Game Trainers are sometimes reported to be a Virus or Trojan, the most common is a keylogger called HotKeysHook or the file has been packed/protected with VMProtect or Themida and is recognized as Win32/Packed.VMProtect or Win32/Packed.Themida. In ALL cases this is a FALSE ALARM as NONE of the Game Trainers GCW contain known malicious code. More info in the PC Games FAQ.

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Use an anti-blacklisting tool, like Y.A.S.U v1.3, to avoid blacklisting of DAEMON Tools.

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OF atualizado até 15-02-2011, Atualize sempre seu Brazukas Updates abaixo

Ligas e Copas para times: Inglês, Brasileiro A e B, Espanhol, Italiano, Libertadores 2011, Champions League,

Uniformes Europeus e Brasileiros Atualizados 2010/2011,

Mais de 400 Faces e Hair para jogadores Brasileiros,

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OF OnLine será disponibilizado em um próximo Update.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 instalado e atualizado com os Patchs konami 1.1, 1.2 e 1.3 e base de dados 2.0 feita pelo menu do jogo Conteúdo Extra. Baixe aqui: Konami 1.1, Konami 1.2, Konami 1.3

Placa de Video compátivel com o Jogo,

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Delete a pasta brazukas localizada na pasta onde foi instalado o PES2011 e o atalho do seu desktop, Se você não tem o Brazukas instalado, não necessita nenhuma alteração, só proceder a instalação.

Ao final da instalação confira se o kitserver foi ativado para o executavel: Brazukas.exe, muitos usuários relatam problemas de faces e Uniformes porque não estão utilizando nosso executável.

Devido relinkes de arquivos e configuração utilize somente edições oficial BRAZUKAS para o correto funcionamento.

Libertadores 2011, Estrutura das ligas, Guarani, retirado os estadios Brs que estavam bugando as torcidas

Santos, America de MG, Cruzeiro e Atlético Mineiro.

Nosso foco neste update foi a correção da base do Patch, montando a melhor configuração para o minímo possível de bugs, No proxímo update nosso foco será a atualização e correção do Option file para que tenhamos jogadores o mais proximo da realidade

PATCH BRAZUKAS2014 – v.2.2 Serial de instalação: BRA-2014-0203-2011


Liberado alteração das estruturas de Ligas sem Bugs, atualização de Elencos de times e seleções, Novos Kits, Novas Faces, Novos Banners Estádios, Libertadores 2011, OF atualizado até 15-02-2011 e etc

Edição geral: Hiphop, Joatan Show Man,

OF: Hiphop, Joatan Show Man, Iuri, Ademir, Noronha_Man e Muller,

Facemaker: Leonardo Cesar Leo Clemente, Sergio e Diego Villalobos,

Kitmaker: MP, Junior SS, Muller, Ludeica, Alysson e Nando,

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Internet Security Panda 2011

Panda Security SL, formerly Panda Software, is a Spanish computer security company founded in 1990 by Panda s former CEO, Mikel Urizarbarrena, in the city of Bilbao.

Our malware removal tool for Windows protects your PC and home computers. Try Panda Security s malware protection now.

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Aug 28, 2015  The best part of Panda Internet Security 2016 is its antivirus protection. Quality of the other components varies.

Panda Internet Security 2011

Dec 27, 2010  Panda Internet Security is generally effective at protection, though its blocking of new malware wasn t top notch and it slows Windows more than we d like.

Let s start with the good news: Panda Internet Security 2011 60 for one year, one PC; 70 for one year, three PCs, as of 12/2/2010 has some of the best protection going. Its and 99.8 percent detection of samples of known malware was tops among the 13 applications we tested. It completely blocked 21 of 25 attacks in real-world malware blocking tests that help determine how well it can block brand new malware, and partially blocked three more, which, while not a top score, is still a solid performance. It s also no slouch in fixing downed machines, removing 80 percent of active malware components.

That security, unfortunately, comes at a price: Panda is rife with false positives and is terribly slow. It put up some of the worst scores at both on-demand and on-access scans among the products we looked at, and Panda s impact on overall system speed was larger than average.

Very cautious users may find this a fair trade-off and be willing to trade some performance for rock-solid security, but we imagine they ll be less thrilled with Panda s convoluted and badly-designed interface.

There s seemingly nothing you can do in Panda Internet Security 2011 with just one click, and sometimes it feels like there s nothing you can do without a restart. Even updating the software requires a reboot, a rarity among modern antivirus apps that have figured out how to slipstream an update into a running PC.

The interface is a bit of a mess and is harder to use than it should be. While it looks straightforward, it s rife with confusion and duplication: What is the difference between threats and vulnerabilities, and why do they need to be managed separately. Either way, Panda doesn t tell you. Its help system is virtually nonexistent.

Then there s the issue of Panda s language barrier--the company is based in Spain. The interface and dialogue boxes are studded with poor English, and what is grammatically correct is stilted and awkward.

Should Panda find something it deems awry, be prepared for some histrionics. Immediately after installation we were greeted with a blazing alert reading Wi-Fi intruder detected along with its MAC address. In reality, it was TiVo jumping on the web for an update. Scary stuff. And Panda was ready to attempt to permanently block it--something a novice may have accepted just out of habit. We d like it if Panda provided more information about what was going on so users can make an informed decision.

Weird design decisions don t stop there. Scans abruptly halt if Panda suspects it has found malware and, as mentioned, it thinks there is a lot of it around, which can hang up the process and makes after-hour scans almost impossible. We also didn t care for the registration requirement, or the sneaky attempt to opt us into marketing e-mails you have to check a blank box during installation to opt out of these messages, the reverse of the usual M.O..

Panda may offer decent security protection but, depending on how much a good interface matters to you, that price may be too high to pay.

We offer the best Internet security suite on the market. Protect your devices against Internet threats.

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Panda Internet Security 2016 Protect Your Family and Your Identity against Internet Threats. Save XXX Antivirus. Blocks viruses, spyware, malware : Rescue Kit.

Aug 27, 2010  Panda Internet Security 2011 has changed little since last year. It was good then and it s good now, but more innovative competitors are pulling ahead.

Though it looks different, Panda s security suite hasn t changed much since last year. You re better off sticking with the full virus and firewall protection in Panda.

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Panda Internet Security 2011 has changed little since last year. It was good then and it s good now, but more innovative competitors are pulling ahead.

Bitdefender Antivirus Plus Memory Usage

10 Antivirus Memory Usage and Processor 10 Lightest Antivirus on Memory Usage During Idle and Memory Usage and Processor Consumption Comparison.

We ve run some tests to find the lightest antivirus software. testing an antivirus product for its memory usage is certainly not an 2015 Raymond.CC Blog.

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  • Troubleshooting excessive memory usage by Bitdefender Enterprise Manager. FIXED ISSUES. bdesvr.exe memory leak; bdlm.exe memory leak. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus.
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ANTIVIRUS PLUS 2016 Best Protection. Best Performance. Easy to Use. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2016 is the essential antivirus against e-threats. Memory RAM : 1.

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Defend Yourself With The 1 Ranked Antivirus Protection.

Bitdefender stops emerging e-threats that other products miss due to its live and virtualized behavior-based detection, in addition to cloud-based services.

1 ranking based on reviews of Bitdefender Internet Security 2011 from: Top Ten Reviews, AV Test, Choice Magazine, and Which. Magazine UK.

Save time and avoid all hassles - the Autopilot makes the best security decisions for you. This means no pop-ups, no alerts, nothing to configure.

Defends against viruses and spyware

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Save time and avoid all hassles - the Autopilot makes the security-related decisions for you.

Autopilot - Makes optimal security-related decisions without interrupting you

Protect yourself and your friends from e-threats that attempt to exploit the trust you ve built with them.

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Bitdefender protects your privacy and personal data with a range of specialized modules and functions.

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No impact on the computer performance, as scanning only takes place when your system is idle.

Scan Dispatcher - Triggers system scans when resource usage falls below a certain threshold

Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP3 32 bit , Vista SP2, Microsoft Windows 7 SP1

Available free hard disk space: 1.8 GB free space at least 800 MB on the system drive

Recommended system requirements:

Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP3 32 bit, Vista SP2, Microsoft Windows 7 SP1

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1.5 GB Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows 7

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Internet Explorer 7 and higher

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BitDefender Antivirus Plus Review, BitDefender Antivirus BitDefender Antivirus Plus only AVAST Antivirus scored like this. And Memory usage only.

But that did not stop me from opening multiple browser tabs or running any other applications in parallel.In terms of memory usage, Bitdefender Antivirus Plus.

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Tired of searching Working WiFi Hacker over the internet. Yes you might had completely wasted your time in trying out the worthless shit tools . Now its time to Download the real working WiFi hacker . You heard right, this is completely a new version of WiFi hacker designed by R NNe Russian troop of hackers, who spent 24 Sleepless nights to produce this WPA-2 PSK, WPA, WEP encrypted all in one WiFi Password cracker which perfectly works on your Android Mobile phone or Tablet .But to our shock this tool was designed in mid 2014 itself, but for security reasons they had made in confidential. Anyway this is a leak , they sold the each copy at the price of 2k  . This is the reason why the software doesn t came out since many months. Finally somehow tool got leaked in one of the blackhat forum. And now we are presenting this tool for you. But its not for free,  you need to complete a survey to download the tool. This is the only way to prevent the tool from spammers. If we release this as free version, they might stop the updates.

How WiFi Hacker Works On Android

Android WiFi hacker is programmed in python combined with the algorithmic  patterns involved in Kali Linux, Reaver  Tools used to hack wifi networks On PC  .  Aircrack-NG was officially involved in making algorithm for this android wifi hack tool . There are two levels involved in finding Wifi password of protected network.

WPS Cracking is very easy process usually cracks any encrypted WiFi router under 20-10 minutes.  And gives you the  output PIN very instant.  Password breaking is brute force attack and we cannot predict the estimated time might be an hour or two sometimes 6 even.  First it will display the hash key, and then decry-pt the hash into password. There is one flaw in this android wifi hacker , it can t break the multiple secured patterns which were mainly used in GOV Nasa and Private Network Stations An Workstation WiFi i.e Company Wifi.  But i can guarantee that it works pretty well to hack your neighbors internet connections 

Backtrack Algorithm Combination with Android Wifi Hacker

Steps To Hack WiFi Using Android WiFi Hacker:

Download Android WiFi Hacker From the Below Download Link

Don t get fooled this is only the official link, uploaded by us. Only Follow this link

Copy the AndroWifi.apk to your mobile SD Card

Install And Run AndroWifi.apk on your Android Mobile / Tablet.

Application scans for the near by WiFi Network Stations

Then Select the desired network to hack, I suggest you to follow the priority order WEP,WPA,WPA-2 Because WEP can be hacked easily then WPA-2 Network. However most of the users are updated,now they are using WPA-2 Secured networks. Still remember it.

After Choosing the desired network. AndroWifi starts analyzing the network multiple times to test possible vulnerabilities.

Once the perfect Vulnerability is found ,it will automate the process and cracks the password involving the two levels as mentioned above.

When it get finished,  it will beep a sound and it represents your password ,there you go you have successfully cracked the WiFi network

You can also see the password in LOG.txt Stored in your SD card Location.

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Bluetooth pc2pc: Vendor: MSI: Version: 2.42.53: Filesize: 2 MB: Operating system: Win Server 2008, Windows 7, Win 98 SE, Windows Home Server, Win XP, Win 95.

In 1994, Ericsson started to research on the wireless connectivity. This research is to replace current data transfer technology between PC mobile phone. In 1997, Ericsson invited IBM, Intel, Nokia Toshiba to form Bluetooth Special Interest Group SIG

Bluetooth SIG was officially announced on May, 1998, within 2 years, the number of companies who signed the license for Bluetooth development sales had grown tremendously. In May, 2000, there are already more than 1900 companies who have signed the license. The list of companies include electronics industry, automobile, industrial machinery, consumer electronics household appliance. Plastic manufacturers is also included in the list of companies which can produced the needed plastic quantity in the years to come

Now, Bluetooth SIG includes 9 main companies namely: Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia,Toshiba, 3COM, Lucent, Microsoft Motorolla, plus more than 1900 associates which caused Bluetooth to become one of the fast communication standard.

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Due to the complication in managing complicated wires cables, the primary idea was to replaced various type of communication device complicated wires cables, after having bluetooth technology, wireless communication dream was finally fulfilled.

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Usb Driver For Windows 98 Second Edition

Microsoft driver support for both USB Windows Media Format Runtime and Windows Media Player 9 Series on Windows 98 Second Edition and Windows Media Player.

Windows 98 USB Mass Storage Device Drivers

Free Computer Technical Support :: Installing USB Mass Storage Devices on Windows 98

USB flash drives and other USB mass storage based devices are becoming more and more common. Unfortunately, they often do not come with drivers because Windows Me, 2000, XP and Vista all come with generic drivers already installed. This way all you need to do is plug the drive in, Windows will recognise it and you will automatically see the drive in My Computer. Windows 98, especially in it s second edition also known as Windows 98SE, handles USB fairly well, however there are no generic/universal mass storage device drivers preinstalled in the operating system, so you will need to install some additional drivers for it. Some manufacturers do however, provide the Windows 98 drivers on CD, others have them available to download, and others simply do not have them available at all.

If you are using Windows 98, and you do not know the manufacturer of the storage device, or you can t find the drivers, what can you do. Fortunately, there are some generic Windows 98 USB mass storage device drivers available that work with most such devices. This means that these drivers will work with many makes and models of the following:

USB Flash Drives also known as Pen Drives, or Thumb Drives

Digital Photo and Video Cameras that connect to the PC via USB

MP3 Players including Apple iPod from v2.4

Before installing the drivers, it is important to know that there are 2 main versions of Windows 98, and they both handle USB differently. You must install the appropriate version of the drivers dependent upon your version of Windows 98. In order to determine your Windows version, please do the following:

Right click on My Computer and select Properties

On the System Properties page that opens up click on the General tab, if it is not already on that page.

Under the System heading, look for the version number see right

Version 4.10.1998 is the original version of Windows 98 98FE

Version 4.10.2222 is Windows 98 Second Edition 98SE

Click the link below for the download and installation instructions for your version of Windows 98

Please click the link for your version of Windows 98:

Windows 98 First Edition 4.10.1998

Windows 98 Second Edition 4.10.2222

You should note, that these drivers are generic, and they may not work with some devices. Therefore, there is no guarantee that they will work with your device.

Please also note that these drivers are not warranted in any way, and no support is offered for them; you use at your own risk. As a precaution, whenever making changes to your operating system, we recommend you do a full system backup. If you do experience any problems, you can always try asking in our forum.

How To Install USB Mass Storage Device on Windows 98. for Windows 98 Second Edition which is Windows 98SE USB mass storage device driver that.

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How to Install a USB Flash Drive on Windows 98. your OS is the Windows 98 Second Edition or on the computer and that there are no drivers for USB 2.0.

Especially in it s second edition also known as Windows Windows 98 USB mass storage device drivers available is Windows 98 Second Edition.

Windows 98 is a continuation of the Windows 95 product. The major change is an insanely heavy focus on web integration. The help system, many applications, and even the desktop are redesigned to make use of Internet Explorer. Windows 98 runs on top of the same MS-DOS 7.1 with FAT32 support as Windows 95 OSR2, and it includes support for USB 1.x.

Have something to share about Windows 98. Tell us. Comments on any WinWorld articles

are welcome over on WinBoards, WinWorld s discussion forum.

Windows 98 Second Edition is an update to the original Windows 98 that includes improved modem and sound/audio card support through the Windows Driver Model, improved USB support, Wake on LAN support, FireWire DV camcorder support, and SBP-2 Mass Storage device support. Internet Explorer 4.0 was also upgraded to 5.0 and Internet Connection Sharing made its debut. DirectX 6.1 was also included with DirectSound improvements. Windows Media Player 6.2 was also shipped replacing the old classic Windows 3.x/95 Media Player that originated with the Windows 3.0 MMC Extensions.

Windows 98 Second Edition can be updated with the Microsoft. NET framework version 1.0, 1,1 and 2.0. The Visual C 2005 runtime is the last to carry Windows 98 support. The last version of Internet Explorer that can be installed on 98 SE is 6.0. Other available upgradeable components include DirectX 9.0c, Windows Installer 2.0, GDI redistributable, Remote Desktop Connection XP 5.1, and Text Services Framework. The last version of Microsoft Office capable of running on Windows 98 is Office XP.

Hardware requirements can be bypassed in the setup with the undocumented /nm setup switch. This will allow systems as old as the 80386 with 8MB of RAM to run Windows 98 although this will be far from optimal.

The update described in this article implements significant modifications to the internal workings of Windows Driver USB Microsoft Digital Windows 98 Second.

Windows 98 Second Edition is an update to the original Windows 98 that includes improved modem and sound/audio card support through the Windows Driver Model.

Windows 98 Second Edition - Stats, Downloads and Screenshots :

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Windows 98 Second Edition Support for WDM Audio Windows 98 Second Edition Support for WDM Audio. USB audio: All the features of Windows 98.

Jun 19, 2014  devices in Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, General USB Troubleshooting in Windows 98, appears to be no driver. The second.

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